Validates my spiny sense. I never expected to be more fearful of a presidential candidate than Trump

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ohhh... oh my... you've explained my hesitancy about Alpha and HTB... interestingly, a friend in London (a priest) said as many people go out the back door as enter the front - particularly when tragedy happens in their lives and this theology doesn't meet them in the depths. Scary. There's a church now in our diocese supported by this --- and it is scary.

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Oliver North is not now, nor has he ever been, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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Oliver North was a political operative and Clarence Thomas a Supreme Court justice. It is a parallelism. There’s no claim that Oliver North was on SCOTUS.

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Wow! Verifies my fear that what Trump has epitomized (I wrote started but changed it bc DJT did not start anything he just ran with what has been around in a minority forever) will just move to phase 2. I fear DJT is too crass, too overtly narcissistic, too damaged and dysfunctional to really ride this wave to the dreamed of white Nationalistic domination conclusion. Good riddance to him, BUT there are many others smoother, less overtly damaged leaders who are vying to take his place and will sell themselves easier bc DJT was so outrageous. DJT has never been a good wolf in sheeps clothing bc he loves his wolf fur coat, too much. His predecessors will be SO much better.....So much more convincing. Using the mantal of Jesus and the outward appearance of Christian purity. I am frightened!

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I read this about two days before the Virginia election. I am saddened to see that Youngkin became governor. As I always do, I will pray for him.

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First read your current piece on fear, then read this about wolf in fleece clothing. Fighting the fear really hard.

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Nice, insightful article.

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Diana: this is brave and true. I've never been more disturbed than my experience with Alpha. If separation of church and state is to be upheld, candidates like Youngkin need to be examined by all.

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As an Episcopalian growing up and an active United Church of Christ member since my early 20's and a liberal democrat as well, non of what you have shared with us is a surprise but a very helpful wake-up call to us all. Thank you.

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Truly a helpful…and frankly disconcerting…look at the roots of today’s conservative Christianity. Thank you for the historical back view. These antecedents help clarify much of the current conservative political atrocities!

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Excellent article. I have forwarded it to my progressive Christian activist friends in Virginia and elsewhere.

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Thank you for this very informative article. I was raised in a conservative Lutheran church in Georgia. It has become a welcoming outreach church for all. There have been those who left when the church changed it’s tenets on social issues but this church has become a beacon to the disenfranchised who have been turned away by other churches.

I joined the Episcopal church as an adult and witnessed the “political correctness” practiced there. My husband does not attend church, so I and my children were considered outcasts. I understand how these churches in Virginia thrive. How sad that they preach the opposite of what Jesus teaches.

This politician is indeed “a wolf in sheep’s” clothing.

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Diana, I so enjoyed this sharing, I have encountered the Alpha teachings and visited Brampton, and appreciate what it has done for my friends in England. I think it is great for the "unchurch" a term I dislike, but with guidance and some balancing by the presenter/leader, a starting place.

I too live in VA and am most concerned with the misinformation from Youngkin, prays for Tuesday! Your comment below is right on, regarding the upheaval a few years ago with the Episcopal conference in Northern Virginia, was very disheartening.

Again, you sharing, wisdom, honesty is appreciated. Blessings,

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Wow! Your article touches so many nerves for me. I witnessed the charismatic movement go from a a caring, loving movement to "elders", patriarchy, exclusionary edicts and rigid doctrinaire beliefs. I loved the gifts of the spirit, the gentle teachings of the early movement, but ran like crazy away from its evolution into another fundamentalist organization that feared women in power and was doctrinaire rather than loving. It's back and stronger than ever, mixed with politics and a danger rather to all.

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Wow! What an essay! I feel educated on an important issue. Thanks.

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I'm hanging in there as a (very progressive, lifelong) Episcopalian, but this stuff is the reason why I'm the only member of my extended family to be willing to have anything to do with organized religion. None of us lives in VA so Youngkin is not a personal problem, but they see other wolves in sheep's clothing all over the place and especially in the intersection of politics and conservative/fundamentalist religion which grows worse all the time, and they've washed their hands of the lot of it.

Question: the verse of the hymn you quoted is from a mainstay of the music catalogue of the Cursillo experience. Is it infected with ALPHA-like ideology? I participated in a weekend back in the 90s and don't remember it being so at the time, unless it went straight over my head.

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