Thanks for introducing me to Tim Whitaker. Very scary, yet hopeful, discussion. I'm a new fan of "Justice Takes Sides".

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Wowza important, informative discussion. Just listened …. Looking forward to supporting Project Amplify.

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Just viewed the video.....great discussion (I'll definitely be doing some googling to find Tim's site!!!!).....as always, thanks mucho!

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This reaches a very hungry part of my heart. Thank you.

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I am unable to get the video to play. Do you have another option. I cannot find it on YouTube.

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I sent a direct link to your email.

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When I started a study of the Hebrew Scriptures with a friend last year, one of the reference books I had indicated that the way the Hebrews interpreted the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves was that it only applied to fellow Hebrews -- only to people who were like them. I can’t help but wonder if that’s the way right-wing Christianity is interpreting it today, and not the way Jesus reinterpreted it in his Parable of the Good Samaritan where our neighbors include even those whom our cultures utterly despise. Not all Christians seem to know that the Samaritans and the Jews had been one people in the days of David and Solomon, but they split into two kingdoms in a civil war, and so the Samaritans in the time of Jesus were not only foreigners, but former enemies and racially impure because of forced intermarriage with the Assyrians who invaded the Northern Kingdom. They were also considered heretics by the Jews because they worshiped at Mt. Gerizim in Samaria rather than at the Temple in Jerusalem.

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A note about Tim having heard Bannon saying Nikki Haley is "as ambitious as Lucifer". Good line. It was a good line when Michael Wolff wrote it, too. He wrote it in the first tell-all inside the WH book about Trump, in which Bannon is credited as a main source. II got Bannon fired, dropped by the Mercers, and he lost Breitbart which the Mercers helped support. I loved this conversation! Tim is terrific.

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