Thank you, Diana, for tis powerful sermon. The current state of the country I chose to live in triggers much of my German story and trauma, too. To see democracy still at work and people speaking out is what gives me hope. So thank you for the hope, and for pointing to Sophia, wisdom, as our teacher.

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It was a treat to have you at Westminster, Wilmington, DE where we value meaningful sermons. I was grateful to reflect on this issue with much greater depth. Many thanks!

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That was obvious! I was so pleased by the reception.

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This was indeed a powerful much needed message..my heart is sickened by our “folly and rumor! Thank you for your wisdom!

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Thank you for such a powerful message

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Thank you, Diana, for your courage and for sharing your enlightened wisdom. I hope you are able to be in the pulpit as much as you want to be. Today I am grateful for technology that allows you to record and share your sermons. I look forward to hearing your powerful words in the future.

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I preached on the Mark passage, but your “musings” still helped me tremendously. Thank you for your clear sightedness.

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God is moving in His people - I was moved to speak to my ‘World Wide Women’s Wave of Prayer people yesterday on a quote from Jeremiah which asserts ‘MY people will be satisfied with My goodness.’ And I turned to James and his Word about the tongue and its danger because of the dissatisfaction on the heart. I encouraged us all to keep asking ‘AM I God’s person - living for His ways, Word and Truth? - only then can we SEE and receive how He satisfies and provides.

Thank you dear soul. May we all heed the encouragement to LIVE in His Gentleness, love and Truth.

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Thank you for this Biblical sermon on the tragedy going on in Springfield and around our country. I am sick at heart and am grateful that Wisdom is our guide. Thank you for speaking about truthfulness from a Wisdom point of view.

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A very powerful sermon. It’s not a coincidence that the lectionary speaks today as it did when first penned. Thank you for speaking the truth in love. May we all listen to the wisdom and live good and truthful lives.

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Thank you. Again.

I wrote last time about "partisanship" and the need to stop believing that because we are to "love our enemies," that somehow means we don't admit that they are, in fact, our adversaries. Unlike Donald Trump and his strident followers (we know who we're talking about), who have promised violence if they don't win the election--and who have already committed it last January 6--we who read and hear Diana's forthright calls to wisdom are not planning on committing violence against our adversaries. We are praying for them....even as we may do so with gritted teeth and clenched jaws (and maybe even fists). When it comes to issues of whether or not a sermon or a church should be partisan, let's look at what happened to the Lutheran Church in Germany before and during World War II. Martin Luther was a vicious anti-Semite. His words encouraged and inspired Lutheran pastors and congregants to support Hitler's National Socialism. Here's a link to an article in The Tampa Bay Times (last updated in 2005) about how the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America--Tim Walz is ELCA) decided to take responsibility for their church's part in the murders of millions and to repudiate their founder's words-- https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1993/10/16/lutherans-to-apologize-to-jews/--"At the ELCA's recent assembly in Kansas City, delegates voted overwhelmingly to work up a strong statement that repudiates Luther's words and apologizes to the Jews. At first, delegates considered putting the action off for two years, but when church leaders began reading some of Luther's words to the assembly, the mood changed and more than 95 percent of the delegates voted for it." Questions of how to deal with partisanship in churches--and synagogues and mosques and temples--are complicated, messy, very difficult to even discuss. And it seems to me that they are no less complicated to not address. Yet..if we don't name it, we can't claim it or deal with it. The call to rage, hate and false victimization--the call to perpetual lying and willfully deceiving--cannot be answered until it is named. Jesus didn't hide behind euphemisms. Diana's example of how to follow--given history--a protocol (worthy of question and debate) without whitewashing the truth is one I deeply admire and appreciate.

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Well Dr Bass, ne'er to be outdone here, as if your Sunday Musing wasn't powerful enough, listening to your voice and hearing those words from you took me to a whole new and different set of emotions with this powerful piece. I got really mad, then so sad I wanted to cry. Thank you.

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Thank you, Diana, for a very inspiring sermon. Your words should be heard around the world.

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Thank you. I'll share my own sermon from yesterday. You'll see your influence more than once! file:///C:/Users/Barbara%20Blodgett/OneDrive/Documents/COR/Appletrees%20don't%20bear%20strawberries.pdf. P.S. I think your sermon scored well!

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Diana, thank you for your words. I too have been angry and disheartened by these hateful words.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16


Yesterday, Wittenberg University (historically Lutheran college in Springfield) cancelled all campus events. Today they moved all classes online; campus events are still shuttered. Clark State Community College, also in Springfield, has moved all their classes online for this week and says they will reschedule campus events. The closings are posted on their web sites.

Meanwhile, Bernie Moreno, Trump-endorsed candidate for the US Senate hoping to unseat Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, was in Springfield yesterday, calling for deportation of Haitians and falsely stating that they are living here illegally. https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/news/moreno-calls-for-immigration-law-changes-deportation-of-haitians-in-springfield/FWPIMFSAVFHT3KLWNLO4SHWAYU/

And now there's a report that Trump himself wants to visit Springfield. https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/local/trump-may-visit-springfield-amid-haitian-immigration-controversy-per-report/OAJIH7Q3IJGOZBYUKTN7XF7XYM/

Satan is hard at work trying to destroy this community and the lives of thousands of people.

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Diana, I wept. For the Haitians. The city of Springfield. For my city, my country. Today the rumors fly that the assassination attempt was orchestrated by Biden/Harris. My prayer is that ears will open and Wisdom will finally be heard. Thanks so much for a powerful and profound message.

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