Thank you for this. These things are so important to understand and share. People of "the way" don't dehumanize their neighbors.

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This is the very best explanation of what’s happening and I thank you.

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RE: "Fowler’s stages of faith development wherein those who are in uncertain or unfulfilling faith circumstances are attracted to some other faith stage that appears more accommodating to what they believe they are looking for. "

Ironically, the above is both the means by which the current (mostly white, scared, older and non-urban) Evangelicals were ensnared by Trumpian Evangelism AND the means for the conversion/divorce that will enable them to de-couple from their bad comb-over god.

Or so I hope.

Also, thanks for the info on DJT's former religious affiliation. That bit of info gave me the insight (a definite ah-ha moment) I needed to understand the reluctance in the church I currently attend to call out the person occupying, at that time, the White House and profiled and excoriated in Psalms 52.

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from John Arber in London, Ontario. Wow I did not know you are a statistician. Great job on wading through the math and coming out with some great take home pearls. I looking forward to your analysis of current North American religious life as the future unfolds.

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Evangelical Christians have been carefully cultivated for several decades to believe they have a political mission in the U.S. In the process, they have completely forgotten about God, the Bible, and the historic principles of Christian truth, compassion, doing good, and caring for individuals in need.

Jesus didn't call his disciples to run for public office, or to be movers and shakers in secular government.

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It is sad to see so many Christians walk away from Jesus to embrace an idol named Donald. It reminds me of a house I pass regularly. They have a half dozen pro-Trump signs and just added a five foot statue of Trump. That is idol worship.

Bob Miller

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Bob...and it's idle worship, too.

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Sadly, yes.

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Thank you for clarifying this for we laypeople who are/were wondering how our friends and family members could see the world so differently than we did.

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As usual, you present so much potentially convoluted information in a concise, readily available and accessible way, thank you. Two brief thoughts: it seems idolatry is at play here, filling self-made voids in those with shaken faith with a charismatic yet harmfully captivating figure; and Fowler’s stages of faith development wherein those who are in uncertain or unfulfilling faith circumstances are attracted to some other faith stage that appears more accommodating to what they believe they are looking for. Peace in the Way…

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Interesting points here! I am especially intrigued by the Fowler idea....

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I think Fowler assumes a progressive or evolutionary movement into a momentum of growth in faith (I’m no expert on him by any means). But it seems to me that, depending on our individual and communal Sitz im Lebens (if you will), our faith movement could become regressive, sending many of us back into some kind of self-perceived survival mode because of fear and anger. Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to participate with you in entering this cultural fray of faith and society.

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Thank you so much for this piece. Your putting together the data has helped me to understand evangelical attachment to Donald. A love affair indeed. Your reference to 'follower of the way' reminded me of a treasured book written by Rev. Robin Meyers titled "The Underground Church" in which he speaks of the early followers of Jesus as "the followers of the way". I highly recommend the book.

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Robin's a good writer and I always enjoy his books!

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This is so important, thank you. You put pieces together for me and brought into focus some thoughts I have had, using data that is out there but I don't have the gift to analyze. I was at Peace after I read this article last night, and I turned out the light and slept soundly. !!! Understanding helps us love more wisely.

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There was a piece I read in maybe 2015 that compared Donald Trump to an evangelical preacher, saying, 'all I have you can have'. Isn't that what all televangelists proclaim and then get the followers to make them wealthy? I have understood Trump ever since reading this piece, maybe in the Atlantic.

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I think I remember that piece, too.

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Wow! Great piece today. Thanks for your insights and clarity. You painted a fair and important picture of the challenges before us. We obviously won’t shame these Theo political folks into our view!! Blessings.

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This Information Was Expected.

I am more concerned about what we need to bring back The " NONES" into the fold

So that we can politically and religiously work together To bring about a more just and Merciful society!!

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Thanks so much, Diana. This is brilliant! Keep doin’ what you’re doin’! It’s a great contribution to our discourse on both religion and politics. Deep bow…

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Thank you, Parker. I really appreciate your encouragement!

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Spot on - we have much work to do. Robin

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All the sermons I heard about how ‘even the elect will be deceived’ by the antichrist always made me ask, “how can this be?” Now I know.

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