This is my next book to read after I finish Oppenheimer. I do real books so it was awesome to receive the first edition.

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I started reading this today. Wow. Awesome read. As a history, religion, geography sponge this book adds so much almost immediately.

One thing I don't think he covers is the difference between 1000AD Norsk of NewFoundland Canada and Columbus 1400's AD besides the Papal edict is the travels of Marco Polo that brought back gun powder to Europe from Asia.

Where as the Norsk New Found land travelers had swords/axe/bow superior weaponry the Spanish 400 hundred years later had over powering weaponry and had Gun's, Cannon, and Horse that never had seen American soil and with the Papal Edict no reason to not use all three against the indigenous in the "discovery" and "enlightenment".

That 400 years of Technology is a huge difference in the way the Europeans of 1000 vs 1400 could dominate any "western" people. The Gun Cult of 1500 was alive and well.

The not so funny joke of what is the difference between Leif Erikson and Christopher Columbus is "Marco Polo". Not funny but it is very true the Gun/Canon that reshaped Europe was no match for crude weaponry of the indigenous tribes in most of the non-European world they were determined to conquer.

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This is so good.

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Listening through the broadcast today, I'm especially enjoying the comments following Susie Richardson's question on how the German people have basically acknowledged the horrors of the Holocaust but the U.S. hasn't done anything similar when it comes to slavery. Both Robert and Diana expressed recognition of the missing stories of Native Americans in American history with Diana basically growing up next to a reservation and a similar story by Robert graduating top of his class in Mississippi and never hearing about Medgar Evers. I would posit that there are 2 reasons, but mainly it is because of the belief of evangelical platform that this country is God ordained- thank you Diana for your input on 1492 and Peter Marshalls book The Light and The Glory. Americans Evangelicals have been taught to live and believe just as 1st century Jewish believers. The biggest problem I see with that is that we are not Jews. We are Gentiles and therefore following the wrong model. Part 2 of my posit is that the Doctrine of Discovery actually worked and is still working to this day. But few people can actually receive that truth because it is so triggering. Robert is fully correct with Abraham Lincoln being at the center of it all. So much so that I would say that one the main planks of his presidency is the genocide of millions on Native Americans. And those numbers are likely 3 times those who died in the Holocaust. The DoD isn't taught because it didn't happen. It isn't taught because it shatters the myth of American exceptionalism. Yes, there are opportunities here that exist nowhere else in the world but our history is much darker than even Germany. Thank you for the great conversation, Diana and Robert.

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Fantastic conversation! I have never read any of Robbie’s books but that is about to change! Does anyone have any recommendation for me of which book to begin with?

Thanks in advance..

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Excellent conversation with Robbie. What a great history lesson. And yes, we do need to go back far enough and paint an accurate picture of the good, the bad and the ugly so we can move towards a better tomorrow. Thank you.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

This is the second conversation about Robby’s book that I have listened to. Between these and reading bits of his substack, my husband and I decided order and read the book and invite our 40 yr old son to join us so we can discuss with him. Then he invited our nephew (his cousin who lives in Minnesota) to join our conversations. Can’t wait to get their perspectives.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

The conversation with Robbie was incredible. Thank you both!

Check out the Colfax (Louisiana) Massacre. It’s very similar to some of the stories that were shared in the conversation. Bishop Jake Owensby (Episcopal Diocese in Western Louisiana) is hosting a 1 day racial reconciliation conference for clergy and laity in October. Family members of those slain will speak.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Author

Love this. Jake is one of the best bishops in the Episcopal church - and most people don't know about the quiet, healing, and renewing work of that diocese.

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Thank you! I am in the process of reading a book presenting the same themes. The author is Louise Dunlap from Napa California who is descended from the first white settlers there. Title is “Inherited Silence - Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind”.

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Awesome! Truly awesome! This rectangle isn't large enough for me to express how "Truth" was spoken and I can now recognize how what I learned in school/church/neighborhood etc. in Texas was so out tune, so prideful -- but my instincts told me so. My Mom was of English background (family name listed as on the Mayflower). But I was always a Native American (Indian) when, as a child, I rode my stick horse across the lawn. And my husband and I adopted a Native American infant after the birth of our 1st child. We lived briefly on a reservation (at the tribe's request) after being trained by the ICA to help them be self-governing and thrive. And I've been drawn to seek out the native American lands in Virginia. I need to know more. Please send resources. I couldn't take notes fast enough. noharmdogood@gmail.com

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thank you for recording this and sending it out. It brings to mind the book: Fever in the Heartland by Tim Egan. I read it when it was newly published. I was stunned that Indiana (I grew up near the border and had relatives from Indiana) was the center of the KKK in the 1920s. It was not just “the south” that suffered from the disease of racism.

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The reason for the KKK in Indiana in the 1920s was not so much racist, but anti-Catholic, anti-Pope.

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I read that book on vacation (as you might know!). It was harrowing, important, and a really good read.

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Thank you Diana and Robby. The video was fantastic. So much to learn and clarify. I visited the NS-Documentation Centre in Munich which shows how National Socialism grew in Germany into Naziism. White Nationalism here seems to be following that plan step by step here now, with both supported by a large segment of the evangelical church.

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I'm not surprised that National Socialism devolved into Naziism in Germany, or that our very own (neo-Nazi) White Nationalist used the Nazi's template to plant the seed for and "grow" the movement here. Nor am I surprised that Germany (which people seem to think had a 100% buy-in on post-WWII repentance) was the first nation where pigment-based nationalism raised it's ugly little pin-head.

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If anyone is interested, I recommend the movie "The Mission". It deals with the church's effort to evangelize South America. Besides the story, enjoy the music.

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That is one movie I will never forget. It was heart-breaking! I highly recommend.

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I can thank a Japanese exchange student for setting me straight in 1980 about us not being established as a Christian nation and that our founding fathers were not Christians, but theists. He caused me to do some research.

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The 1452 edict of Pope Nicholas V is foundational as a seminal event paving the way for White Christian Europeans to participate in the Slave Trade as authorized and holy work for the mission and colonial outreach of the Church and, therefore, for European economy.

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That was a great conversation yesterday, and I'm glad you're sharing it with everyone. I am a history nerd and I can't wait to read Robby's book. It's fascinating to me that factual American history is so controversial.

It saddens me that so many professed Christians embrace lies about this country. Your story Diana about your eventual firing because of your truth telling is crazy! Robby's book will probably be hated by many, but I'm glad he wrote it.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thank you for opening up this presentation to people beyond subscribers at this time. (I have been delaying signing up for my subscription too long. This stops today!) Blessings to you and Robby.

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