Omg Diana! This conversation blew my mind and made perfect sense but I need the cliff notes version! Will you be writing or podcasting about this version of the resurrection? I need more! It made total sense but I can’t warp my mind around it! 🙃🤣

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Can you please specify the time when Dom gives his understanding of resurrection? I feel I missed it. Thanks

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Thank you for sharing these two talks to a wider audience. I hear the call to participatory resurrection and think about the Jewish call for tikkun olam.

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Wow! Wow! Wow! What an amazing Easter gift! I am so grateful to have had the privilege to listen to both videos! THANK YOU SO M UCH! Patricia DelRosso

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Thank you for sharing these. It is very interesting thinking through these matters coming from a very literalist (Southern Baptist) background.

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Mar 21Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I have no words to describe the impact this discussion has had on me. But I am so grateful to you three, Diana, Tripp and Dominic for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and faith with all of us. Of course I will have to return to these recordings a few times to get a better, fuller understanding of this mystery. THANK YOU ALL!

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What a wonderful lecture and discussion I can't stop pondering it. I also found Dom Crossin's voice and accent enchanting, so an added delight for me. Thank you so much for this lesson and conversation.

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This was the best episode ever! I loved the whole series, I am an avid fan of Dom and his work. He paints such a clear and accurate vision along with his multilayered approach to imparting what he wants us to understand. I love listening to Dom and Tripp in the past, adding you to this mix was really the icing on my Lenten cake. You asked the hard questions that I felt people were thinking but just couldn't verbalize or maybe ask. It was both deep and light at the same time. The perfect end for this series. A huge heartfelt thank you for yesterday.

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Finally, I can ponder what it is to be buried with Christ!

What a call to stand with power to say no to all the systems that crucify. Thank you can't express fully my gratitude for this facet of my baptism and much much more. Your work and way is so critical for this here and now. There is reason to celebrate Easter.

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Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Enjoyed the humor shared among you, and feasted on all the meaty food for thought! I always love when Tripp does a course with Dom, and when you and Tripp do Ruining Dinner it’s a treat, but the three of you together are a treasure!

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Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thank you, Diana. You, Dr. Crossan and Rev. Fuller are part of a vanguard of emergent Christianity.

The Resurrection is one of the difficult parts of the NT. Dom Crossan provides the most rational and believable explanation to date--in the past 2,000 years. And his take is grounded in scholarship.

The three of you are "doing the Lord's work."

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Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

So inspiring and awakening. Many thanks. I resonate with Dom's call to participate fully and live the resurrection in our daily lives. I see participation as an evolution of consciousness and the inner development of Christ-inspired selfhood. Here is an excerpt of my writing on "Imagining an Inner Easter."

"I want Easter to be alive in you, not just a story about Jesus Christ. I want you to live it now, not just believe it happened then.

It is not just an esoteric and clairvoyant sense of being in attendance at these events, say the Last Supper, a fly on the ceiling or one buzzing around the wine. More that you imagine you, your indwelling Christ Consciousness, has called together your companions to say goodbye, to answer their questions, to give to them your substance forever. Do this humbly, but do it. Let it be an inner experience that you and the Christ are one...just for a timeless moment.

Inner Easter is an attempt to know, not just believe. It is not about witnessing, it is about being and becoming. Take baby steps, soft breaths, gentle glimpses of the many aspects of the Easter experience. Each event and each individual represents an archetype which lives in our souls as thoughts, feelings, or intentions but often we are asleep to their presence or we simply project these parts of self outward and then experience them as part of the greatest story ever told, not our own story. We awaken our direct experience of these archetypes through our Inner Easter work.

Thoughtfully design your Inner Easter experience. Do not try to experience every moment and every being all at once this Easter. I feel it is better to go deep into one being or event, than to go wide and attempt to feel everything with no time for the imagining that comes from questioning and reflecting. For a moment this Easter choose to be John the Beloved, Mary Magdalen, Judas, the guard at the tomb, or the individual that hammered the nails. Or choose to work with one of the Easter experiences: Feel the will to betray and the willingness to be betrayed. Feel the grief and the joy. Feel the guilt and the forgiveness. Feel the resistance and the surrender. Feel the sky darken and your soul die. Feel the sun rise and your soul resurrect."

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Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thanks to all of you!

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I have been following the lectures and the live Q and A in this series and just WOW! And the final Q and A yesterday was stunning. In light of the lectures I've gone back to The Last Week by Crossan. How great these lectures are available through The Cottage. I intend to listen to all of them again. Plus I have ordered Dom Crossan's book on Paul. As Borg's book put it, Seeing Jesus Again for the First Time!

PS but not least...thank you for the incredible words of Milozc.

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Mar 20Liked by Diana Butler Bass

In accord with Dom Crossan's interpretation that we just don't know what happened at the Resurrection itself, and that what we actually have are metaphors for how Jesus' followers responded to whatever happened. My favorite metaphorical image of this is the painting, L'Hermitte's "Friend of the Humble" as an interpretation of the Resurrection experience of the supper at Emmaus. In my opinion, it represents the transformative moment for Jesus' followers from despair to joyful affirmation. https://www.wikiart.org/en/leon-augustin-lhermitte/friend-of-the-humble-supper-at-emmaus-1892

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Thank you Diana! I have been following Dom and Tripp in this series about the historical Jesus. Unfortunately, I tuned in yesterday before I had watched the corresponding lecture, so I was really struggling to understand. It doesn't help that the live version has no automatic captions! As I watched your face while Dom was speaking, I could see you were struggling to take it all in, much like I was. So I hurried to watch the lecture and that I could understand. Today, I hope to rewatch the Q&A and get a better grasp of what was being presented. Your comment about holding on to my "theological bonnet" made me chuckle.

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