THIS: “Peter’s response, then, isn’t just checking off a theological box, but a declaration of commitment to the Way of Jesus, 👣 not just as a belief system, but as an actual WAY of bringing the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 👣 To call Jesus God’s Messiah/Christ, as Peter does here, isn’t just a claim about Jesus; it’s also a cla…
THIS: “Peter’s response, then, isn’t just checking off a theological box, but a declaration of commitment to the Way of Jesus, 👣 not just as a belief system, but as an actual WAY of bringing the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 👣 To call Jesus God’s Messiah/Christ, as Peter does here, isn’t just a claim about Jesus; it’s also a claim about God. For Jesus’s earliest followers this declaration was a way of affirming that Jesus’s message of ❤️nonviolence, 🥖🐟 abundance, 💞generosity, ☮️compassion, and ☯️inclusivity align with the very character of God.”
When I read your explanation of Caesarea Philippi I immediately thought of the Trump Tower sign in Manhattan or Las Vegas. The beacons to the zealots. Then, I saw the beautiful tiny shells Diana shared with us, reminding me of the shells my daughter and I would collect at the beaches in SoCal and I agree, “awe needn’t be big and dramatic...Jesus’s building plan included mustard seeds, yeast, pearls, lilies of the field...” And I know his building plan includes each one of us in our corner of the world, seeking a small nugget of inspiration to keep our Holy Spirit energized! Thank you, friends of The Cottage, for joining me on this field trip in my heart today.
THIS: “Peter’s response, then, isn’t just checking off a theological box, but a declaration of commitment to the Way of Jesus, 👣 not just as a belief system, but as an actual WAY of bringing the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 👣 To call Jesus God’s Messiah/Christ, as Peter does here, isn’t just a claim about Jesus; it’s also a claim about God. For Jesus’s earliest followers this declaration was a way of affirming that Jesus’s message of ❤️nonviolence, 🥖🐟 abundance, 💞generosity, ☮️compassion, and ☯️inclusivity align with the very character of God.”
When I read your explanation of Caesarea Philippi I immediately thought of the Trump Tower sign in Manhattan or Las Vegas. The beacons to the zealots. Then, I saw the beautiful tiny shells Diana shared with us, reminding me of the shells my daughter and I would collect at the beaches in SoCal and I agree, “awe needn’t be big and dramatic...Jesus’s building plan included mustard seeds, yeast, pearls, lilies of the field...” And I know his building plan includes each one of us in our corner of the world, seeking a small nugget of inspiration to keep our Holy Spirit energized! Thank you, friends of The Cottage, for joining me on this field trip in my heart today.
Thank you, Teri! That's a timely analogy!
Wow! Thanks. I really connected to your insights today! Welcome to The Cottage!