I am. You have touched the eye of storm Angela and it is peace, love, thoughtfulness and quiet. Mighty in its power

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the whirlwind of unexpected death/my beloved sisters/I am shaken, shrunken leaning in/

comes the stillness, the silence, the heart of God/

You awaken that moment again for me

Your words are wondrous, honest fair/

God is

Thank you! Jean Blackall, Alberta, Canada

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The last paragraphs are a prose poem. Thanks. And yes, the loudest voice is not the one to listen to. But it is hard to trust the still / silent voice of God in these times.

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"The voices that are easiest to hear are often those voices to whom I should listen least. And the listening I need to hear most is often the hardest to hear, because it is quiet, and like God to the Prophet Elijah, it speaks only in the stillness after the whirlwind has passed."

These words stuck out in truth for me. Thank you for your willingness to write and to continue to show up, in all ways, even for people you do not know.

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Thank you❤️

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Thanks Angela for your words and the song from Dolly Parton!

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So interesting that this scripture and musings follow that from last Sunday. ..... what is God trying to tell us? ........

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“God speaks to all of us”. You don’t know how encouraging those words were, what hope they gave me. For over two years I’ve been trying to have quiet time after I get up. It should be easy; I live alone. But my mind fills with distractions when I try to be quiet and just listen. And I hear nothing so I start praying - praising, talking to Jesus, praying for the endless number of people on my prayer list, praying for my own physical and financial problems. I read meditations. But none of that is listening. And I never hear God speak. There were times long ago when I did. I was beginning to think He didn’t want to. Until I read your words today. “God speaks to all of us.” So I’ll try to listen harder. Thank you.

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“And if the world has ceased to hear you,

Say to the silent earth: I flow.

to the rushing water, speak: I am.”

I stopped in my tracks when I heard Lexi quote this to Rue on Euphoria. I used this poem years ago in a devotional to moms living with kiddos with disabilities, as we sometimes lose our individual identity to that of being mother, wife, advocate.

“If the drink is bitter, turn yourself to wine.

In this uncontainable night,

be the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,

the meaning discovered there.”

Wine. Honey. Not vinegar. What is whispering to me, MY “why” in the sacred corner of my heart. “Why are you here, Elijah?”

But remember, Jesus tells us we are never alone. He teaches us to create community. Find others who share your “why”.

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So well expressed and very timely. I may quote you very soon!

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May good, good rest be yours.

May you discover delicious food.

May you have access to Healthcare services as needed.

Be well. The world needs your voice, as well as Angela's.

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I desperately needed this message today. Thank you.

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Loved this Sunday musing. Thank you!

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Keep writing. I loved reading this and related to it in several ways.

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Angela and Diana, thank you so much for your "Musings".

Right now I feel that there are so many rather loud voices demanding my time and attention and decisions. My plan today is to venture into my garden. To plunge my hands into the soil, to turn it over and feed, nourish and build it up and prepare it for new plantings and spring growth - its so exciting! (southern hemisphere) But, plans are so fragile. Your words today have encouraged me to stay in this quiet meditative space of the garden and allow God to speak if they so wish. My sister, now deceased, (though she would probably prefer the term 'pushing up daisies' )wrote a wise and beautiful poem which I will share in Notes that has caused me to reflect often on the value of slow and quiet and invisible work. (Influences of Luci Shaw - I hope you get time to read it :)

With love and thank you - again.

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