Be the peace.

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All those years in seminary when I had all the theology I would ever need wrapped up in a list of 3 word phrases that could take me a lifetime of preaching and barely scrape the surface!

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God is love

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God is good.

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Thank you for the poem by Denise Levertov!

The image of the kingdom as a tree and the soul a bird has kept my mind and heart engaged, I've been daydreaming, or something like it, for quite a while this morning. First my soul-bird is scanning the tree, looking for "the right" branch to light on. I see it, land, and it breaks. With ruffled feathers I fly to the closest perch, and it is good to the eye. I build a nest and rest. Then the wind comes, dislodging my nest and me with it, and my soul must again take flight, circling the tree, waiting and watching for where to settle again.

This is where I am right now - first I was so concerned with being in "the right." Right doctrine, right church, right whatever. Inevitably, all those assumptions broke down. I moved on, a different denomination, became a pastor, really settled in. But the wind has been blowing for quite some time now - upsetting the nest I so carefully built. I am still here - still pastoring, same church, same denomination. But I am no longer settled. I'm waiting, watching, wondering. These are my three words.

Thank you, Dianna!

~Carrie Benton

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I have “ Love is kind” and Let it be”

These are my prayers.

Thank you Diana for “ Seek ye first”

Wow, that one says it all to me🌹

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Here, I stand....is my go-to theological motto these days (daze?). Probably not anywhere in the Bible...literally, anyway...it is the very essence (to me, anyway) of Jesus' being and teachings.

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Justice, kindness, humility

Thank you for your Sunday Musings column.

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I love the premise, but in this particular instance I'm persuaded that rather than being a legitimate plea for increased faith, the disciples are actually expressing dismay and resistance to Jesus about what they are being asked to do in the preceding verses--to forgive the same offender 7 times a day, every day! The lectionary passage should have begun five verses earlier. Jesus tells them that even a little faith is enough--what they need more is obedience. It's the only way that verses 6-10 make any sense.

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This was one of the readings at my church recently. I'm still scratching my head on/about it. Someone said/explained that it was from several (3) different "letters."

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Faith, hope, love.

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Help my unbelief.

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Justice, Kindness, Humility.


Do, Love, Walk.

Micah 6:8 New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.

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belatedly I notice the NT context in the musings.

still, I'm good with my suggestion as worthwhile.


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I love your Three Word Theology. Thank you.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I have copied in my journal the list of three word theologies. At different times I’ll focus on one set of three words for meditation. Thank you for the list.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I’ll add “Seek ye first”!

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Be thou my vision

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