Sounds like your Mother was a tender soul, Diana. You emulate her well!

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Wow! What an inspiration your mother was and continues to be simply by you telling her story. Such a blessing.

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Thank you for all of the authors added herein and for your mom's words. i wish i'd had parents to show me the way instead of being hypocritical. As a lawyer and hospital chaplain, i've started my work days with Ruby Ridges on my wall....she helped me make hospitality a priority. Peace and grace to you, Rev. Bass

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Hospitality is the gospel, not the morality now being preached.

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Have you considered publishing your writings about the lectionary reading a week in advance since that is what we will be preaching about? I preached this text yesterday. I used Don Shirley and his use of the Green Book. It would be helpful and interesting to have your commentary when working on a sermon.

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Being open to receiving welcome doesn’t just mean greeting the minority guest. It also means putting our lonely, vulnerable selves into situations where we are the minority.

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My parents were both on the protest side, which really hurts my heart. Bless your mom for being strong. I believe our court wants to take us back to 1954.

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I graduated from Neenah high school in 1954. It was Wisconsin which was progressive and my school wasn't segregated. In fact we didn't have any Black families in Neenah. When I went to Bryan College in Dayton TN I became aware of segregation in the South. Then when I lived in Dallas Texas I was shocked to see that drinking fountains were labeled White and Colored.

There has been progress but this week has been such a backward step!

Glad to be in a church community that is inclusive.

Thanks be to God!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

This post was a gift to me, thank you. I’m a seminarian, and finding my own preaching voice. On so many Sunday mornings, your writing relieves my angst when preachers don’t just say the thing. Thank you for saying it. Yours is an important voice in my formation.

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Thank you as always for this post. Your mother 's story makes me so proud of the time frame in which she and I were teenagers. I am a couple of years young I think. I am also happy to be a Middle GA. person of 10 months + a little. I have seen this community come together out of our various religious traditions and support one Community attacked and also stand up to the organized haters. Love and courage on display though not showy! Maybe we are reaching a tipping point toward Love though it takes continued hard work as you are doing and so many commentators on todays blog. Oh and Teri can you answer a question, I thought Disability Awareness Month was in the fall. Thanks Love and Peace Bonita

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Thanks as always. But I would love to have heard from you about the OT reading for today.

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I thought of the Crosby, Stills. Nash and Young song “Teach your children well.” I listened to it on YouTube but I do not know how to do a link.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Wow, what a powerful post, Diana. I sat here and got choked up with your mother's story of meeting the bus. That's what is in your blood; God bless the courage of your mother and others like her who saw the light. God bless you for telling her story. As for the Supreme Court, I can't even think straight about that bunch right now. I am praying, praying, praying that God shows us a way!

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This was really powerful, thank you! I do wonder though, if someone came to me and wanted me to design a website or create something for some far right organization pushing hate and violence, I would want to be able to refuse.

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Jane I believe the far right is well organized and has their own designers. Inciting hate and violence is illegal or at least a misdemeanor or other minor infraction of the law state and federal.

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But that's not what the people who brought the SCOTUS case(s) were being asked to do. The people who came to them help for something good, something normal, something that they had thought was their right(s). The decision will increase and enable bias and bigotry and....well all the tings that are NOT welcoming. E. Beal, Greeley CO

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Actually, the case about the web-designer was strictly bogus. She gave the specific name of a person who had, she claimed, been looking for a web-designer for his gay wedding. Turns out the man is married and has been married to a woman for 15 years and has a family and is a web-designer himself. He claims that he never was in touch with anyone about a web-designer wedding site. That it was a total lie. Plus, the woman had not been "damaged" by being put in the position for designing wedding websites since she was only "thinking" about the possibility of adding this to her repertoire. This decision is so far out of line from judicial processes that it would not pass muster in most lower courts. It seems the justices went shopping for a case which now opens up a can of worms since those who actually have no standing can now appeal to the Supreme Court on any right-wing case they hope to use to dismantle rights previously protected by the Supreme Court.

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For this case to happen, get adjudicated, it is plain that the SCOTUS did NOT do it's own due diligence and that (the frivilousness and bogusness of the case) sets the stage for a rematch....and further damages SCOTUS's already tarnished reputation. E. Beal

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Dear Diana,

It’s too bad that even in the church echo chambers are common on the left and the right on the political and social issues that divide us. Your article strikes me that it could be the basis for a meaningful dialogue; which, of course, is very difficult for us as humans in person never mind on social media. I affirm your powerful example of the Christian witness of your mother and your clear denunciation of racism in America. Thank you.

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