How desperately we need great music! Great music is beyond any particular religion. The great music can be heard and sung in most communities. and usually occurs outside of churches, synagogues and mosques. It is universal and belongs to everyone. The great musicians are soul-filled. Tony Bennett who died recently at age 96 sang to audiences into his 90's. He loved to sing and sang for others. He often ended his concerts by singing the beautiful Michel Legrand composition, "How Do You Keep the Music Playing?"
Thank you for sharing bout Convergence. I opened Strings and read more on Facebook. When I first herd of this conference I was so overwhelmed by the presenters! I . and Paul Srookey and Ken Medema on the same program.! WOW!. And I also so enjoyed your visit with my most favorite singer/ songwriter Carrie Newcomer. Oh how I wish I could sit down wit a cup of tea and visit with you two. I would also invite my morning news guru Heather Cox Richardson. You all feed my mind and soul. This morning I reflected on your words about worship and music as Carrie sang me along my morning walk. Her lyrics tied all of this together.
I Will Sing A New Song. This song was inspired by a poem by the same name by the theologian and mystic Dr. Howard Thurman. I don't know how, No, I don't know how. I've never done this before, At least until now. Learned by heart The hard and easy parts. But I’m feeling it clearly, the old song's grown weary. I will sing a new song. The old one’s carried me this far and for so long, But it’s time to walk on, Lifting up my voice and heart with a new song.
Diana, you have a group of postings about Christian nationalism that is accessible to all. I want to lead a discussion and I can't find the link. Help!
A beautiful piece. Thank you so much for reminding us of the importance of, the necessity for music. “When words fail, music speaks.” from a plaque my daughter gave my husband some years ago.
Thanks, Diana, for reflecting on this amazing Psalm invitation
The power of music is volatile for me - so varied - containing all of life’s vagaries - quiet reverie; clashing dissonance; wild improvisation; soul-searching vocals. Each year for 30 years, we attended Chautauqua Institution for one week. Sunday morning worship opened with ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ (5,000 or so worshippers all singing) and I was transported to my early years in churches where each service started with that hymn - and I celebrated with a smile and with tears this rootedness as part of my past. Sunday evening vespers ended with ‘Largo’ - on the magnificent organ in the amphitheater- and I felt tears each and every year as I listened and gazed out upon the natural world surrounding the amphitheatre - beckoning me to new and unexplored moments.
And when I feel nothing else can speak to me, I go to my piano and play Largo.
The other delight in music are the pauses - the rest notes - the anticipation in silence of an unexpected note (think the final Hallelujah in Messiah!). ‘The sounds of silence’.
Sound and silence - Diana, you gave me space and inspiration to wonder about this as a circle for living and speaking authentically and compassionately in a world pulled apart by power and hatred.
I am part of a church choir. We have sung How Can I Keep from Singing as an anthem. Love it! Thanks for the link to Take Me Home by Another Way. Wonderful !!!! Music has amazing power in our lives!
Thanks, Diana, for this post and for your extraordinary presentation of Libbie Schrader's groundbreaking scholarship on Mary Magdalene at Converging 2023. It was pleasure to meet you, and I appreciate your lifting up Noel Paul Stookey's concert at the event and his new Substack called Strings.
The music of the Civil Rights movement mattered then, and now. Rutha Harris is still singing those songs in Albany GA--she was a teenage Freedom Singer. Why aren't we hearing songs within and about today's immigrants?
Most Sundays, I am weeping with the music at church-either the actual music or the lyrics or both together. we have an absolutely brilliant pianist, who is just such a huge part of our worship service. The music touches my heart and I allow it to do so; it’s just a little funny when you’re wearing a mask and it fills with wet tears and you need to blow your nose! Lol! Thank you Diana, I so enjoy your musings.
Thank you so much for today's post. When you sing you praise God twice. The reason many of our parishioners worship is because of our organist and choir. Listening to "Take Us Home by Another Way" brings Epiphany to life.
How desperately we need great music! Great music is beyond any particular religion. The great music can be heard and sung in most communities. and usually occurs outside of churches, synagogues and mosques. It is universal and belongs to everyone. The great musicians are soul-filled. Tony Bennett who died recently at age 96 sang to audiences into his 90's. He loved to sing and sang for others. He often ended his concerts by singing the beautiful Michel Legrand composition, "How Do You Keep the Music Playing?"
Thank you for sharing bout Convergence. I opened Strings and read more on Facebook. When I first herd of this conference I was so overwhelmed by the presenters! I . and Paul Srookey and Ken Medema on the same program.! WOW!. And I also so enjoyed your visit with my most favorite singer/ songwriter Carrie Newcomer. Oh how I wish I could sit down wit a cup of tea and visit with you two. I would also invite my morning news guru Heather Cox Richardson. You all feed my mind and soul. This morning I reflected on your words about worship and music as Carrie sang me along my morning walk. Her lyrics tied all of this together.
I Will Sing A New Song. This song was inspired by a poem by the same name by the theologian and mystic Dr. Howard Thurman. I don't know how, No, I don't know how. I've never done this before, At least until now. Learned by heart The hard and easy parts. But I’m feeling it clearly, the old song's grown weary. I will sing a new song. The old one’s carried me this far and for so long, But it’s time to walk on, Lifting up my voice and heart with a new song.
Carrie Newcomer
Diana, you have a group of postings about Christian nationalism that is accessible to all. I want to lead a discussion and I can't find the link. Help!
A beautiful piece. Thank you so much for reminding us of the importance of, the necessity for music. “When words fail, music speaks.” from a plaque my daughter gave my husband some years ago.
Dianna I need another word express my thanks for your reflections. Music is healing for our souls.
I especially appreciated the additional readings/poetry etc
So beautifully said! Thank you.
Thanks, Diana, for reflecting on this amazing Psalm invitation
The power of music is volatile for me - so varied - containing all of life’s vagaries - quiet reverie; clashing dissonance; wild improvisation; soul-searching vocals. Each year for 30 years, we attended Chautauqua Institution for one week. Sunday morning worship opened with ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ (5,000 or so worshippers all singing) and I was transported to my early years in churches where each service started with that hymn - and I celebrated with a smile and with tears this rootedness as part of my past. Sunday evening vespers ended with ‘Largo’ - on the magnificent organ in the amphitheater- and I felt tears each and every year as I listened and gazed out upon the natural world surrounding the amphitheatre - beckoning me to new and unexplored moments.
And when I feel nothing else can speak to me, I go to my piano and play Largo.
The other delight in music are the pauses - the rest notes - the anticipation in silence of an unexpected note (think the final Hallelujah in Messiah!). ‘The sounds of silence’.
Sound and silence - Diana, you gave me space and inspiration to wonder about this as a circle for living and speaking authentically and compassionately in a world pulled apart by power and hatred.
Thank you for today's post. I shall treasure these verses, they lift my heart. May God richly bless you in your ministry, Charlotte
I am part of a church choir. We have sung How Can I Keep from Singing as an anthem. Love it! Thanks for the link to Take Me Home by Another Way. Wonderful !!!! Music has amazing power in our lives!
What category do you use in Substack? In the sign up for it, I could not find you.
Faith and Spirituality
Thanks for Noel Paul Stookey singing on YouTube!
Thanks, Diana, for this post and for your extraordinary presentation of Libbie Schrader's groundbreaking scholarship on Mary Magdalene at Converging 2023. It was pleasure to meet you, and I appreciate your lifting up Noel Paul Stookey's concert at the event and his new Substack called Strings.
Love this
The music of the Civil Rights movement mattered then, and now. Rutha Harris is still singing those songs in Albany GA--she was a teenage Freedom Singer. Why aren't we hearing songs within and about today's immigrants?
Most Sundays, I am weeping with the music at church-either the actual music or the lyrics or both together. we have an absolutely brilliant pianist, who is just such a huge part of our worship service. The music touches my heart and I allow it to do so; it’s just a little funny when you’re wearing a mask and it fills with wet tears and you need to blow your nose! Lol! Thank you Diana, I so enjoy your musings.
Thank you so much for today's post. When you sing you praise God twice. The reason many of our parishioners worship is because of our organist and choir. Listening to "Take Us Home by Another Way" brings Epiphany to life.