A colleague shared the response on Springfield, Ohio, from the bishop of the southern Ohio diocese. She clearly speaks to the issues and encourages people to support Springfield as well as the Haitian community in Springfield. The letter came out earlier September 16.

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They are the despicable ones and will be brought down by their own wickedness.

Do unto others. Remember that.🙏

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Words do matter! Thank you for your insight and compassion.

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Sep 16Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I just watched and worshipped with the folks at Westminster Presbyterian, and had the joy of hearing you preach these powerful and heartfelt words. Thank you!

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I just came across another book. This time by John Paul Lederach. THE POCKET GUIDE FOR FACING DOWN A CIVIL WAR: surpring ideas from everyday people who shifted the cycles of violence. I have respected Lederach's writings on peace. This little volume is written with the United States in mind.

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Like so many people I know, I wonder when seeking after the truth left our politics in favour of acquiring power above all else. There was a time when seeking public office was a high calling and it remains so for some. It is up to us to call out lying when it happens and encourage the alternative of seeking after wisdom instead. Thank you Diana for reminding us of the moral imperative to speak out!

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". . .therefore they [who despise and reject wisdom] shall eat the fruit of their [own] way and be sated with their own devices." No one escapes the consequences of loving lies more than truth, of sowing discord more than peace. This love of ignorance, greed and hatred exists in every human heart, and no one is exempt from the temptation to act upon it. It is only restrained by turning in prayer and true repentance to the Source of all Wisdom and Love. And by standing up to it wherever we see it at work in the social realm.

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Thank you, Diana is allI I can really say! Thank you for being a voice of reason during these so very troubling times! You tied this week’s Scripture readings and the events of this past week together beautifully! This is when Scripture is at its best- when we make it have meaning for us today- Thank you for helping us do that!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

MAGA opened a door to conspiracy culture a long time ago. Apparently, Trump presently travels with someone completely lost in that culture. It is tragic to see so many Christians fall prey to this dark conservatism where they think truth is something concealed and they have to uncover it. In doing so, they simply embrace lies and darkness.

In the case of our Haitian immigrants, the truth is we want them here because we want to minister to them the model of Jesus. These churches in Springfield are doing that. It is the hate groups that are undermining that ministry. But furthermore, we are faithful because we believe and KNOW God's Way is the Right Way.

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Sep 15Liked by Richard Bass

And the third flies all around us…..

Every now and then there is a posting on one of the Substacks that I read, intermittently and for free, that inspires me to stop freeloading and become a subscriber. This is the one. So Thank You, Diana. It also inspired me to go to church this morning, even though I am slammed with work. I woke up today already having decided that I need to recommit to a morning routine that includes, in addition to exercise and coffee and twenty minutes outside, being more thoughtful about the information I am taking in first thing in the morning. Rather than doomscrolling or being alternatively outraged and amused by the latest display of Donald Trump’s unfitness, I decided to read Sunday Musings. And rather than be amused, as I was Wednesday and Thursday about the cat memes, or outraged as I was Friday and yesterday about the hate crimes, I allowed myself to feel deep sadness for the suffering of others, and at least a little regret for the times when my own words were not wise words, words that illuminated and uplifted, and rather were words that insulted, words that made people laugh at the expense of others, words that solidified in-group cohesion by defining and directing animus toward the out-group.

The prayer from Hildegard von Bingen is what really pulled me in to the right mind, because just a few months ago, when it was my turn to choose the closing prayer for our Deacon’s meeting, I chose that very one. Hildegard was a badass, one of few women respected by Bishops and rulers, prolific in her writing as well as her musical compositions, and even briefly excommunicated for an act of inclusion. The translation I used said “O Devine Wisdom”, rather than Sofia (and Sofia is my daughter’s name, which I chose knowing it means wisdom), and I love HvB’s devotion to Devine Wisdom. I love the representation of the trinity, most especially the “wisdom that flies all around us”.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about attention and how I spend my attention, and why the way I have allowed my attention to fragment not only keeps me from doing my best work or getting good sleep, but it keeps me from being fully present and open to the wisdom that flies all around us.

So again, thank you for providing me with an opportunity to receive Sofia, Devine Wisdom, this morning.

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Amen, and amen, Diana Butler Bass. Words matter. Let wisdom, love, welcome, neighborliness, justice, and inclusion be our goals. Let us be instruments of peace, recognizing the beautiful diversity of our neighbors who make up this fragile and spectacular democracy is, and always has been, our strength. May we reject fear, hatred, and dehumanization and choose love, welcome, and kindness for every neighbor, old and new, who is like us, a child of God, “created equal…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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"Let us be instruments of peace, recognizing the beautiful diversity of our neighbors who make up this fragile and spectacular democracy is, and always has been, our strength."

Well put.

And Amen!

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Terrific analysis of the political and human devastation being visited upon us by the right. I've been a Sunday-only reader for a while now but this has decided me to become a paid subscriber. I should get this kind of wisdom from my home church but, sadly, do not. Thanks so much, Diana.

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Wonderful reflection on today’s readings and a real world application to today’s events.

There should be no place for liars in governmental leadership. A US Senator demeaning people he claims to represent is reprehensible! I hope the voters remember when he has to stand for re-election. Vance is an example of the “ugly American “ . If a person claims to follow Jesus they cannot utter such lies.

As an Episcopal priest I am very saddened by this example of so-called leadership!

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Sep 15Liked by Richard Bass

Thank you Diana for your words of wisdom.

We went to Carrie Newcomer's concert yesterday evening. The theater was packed. The local UUA church set up a voters registration table in the back of the theater to sign people up. As retired clergy I tend to stay out of politics. Perhaps we need to encourage people to sign up and vote for wisdom. One of Carrie's new unpublished songs is "Stones in the River. " Every time we drop a stone in the river the stone sends out waves. Perhaps we need to imagine ourselves as stones that are dropped in the river and every positive word or action sends out ripples of wisdom.

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This post says beautifully what I wish to say, so I am sending it along to those who need hearing them. Thank you, thank you for giving the right words to a time such as this!!

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