My favorite quote from the Bible.

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I needed this today, so thank you so much! Holding onto Faith, Hope & Love allows me to live the paradoxes of life and into the becoming of the next day into the future. Blessings!

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Thank you for this reflection. I needed this today.

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Beautiful reflection! Thank you!

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Faith, hope and love is like food you eat. They are fuel to get one through the journey of life. What troubles me is going without these for any periof of time. There is so much "food" insecurities these days. The perennial question is, "How can we with sufficient fuel in our "soul" tanks make sure it gets to the one experiencing doubt, despair, or abandonment.

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Life is sunshine and shadow. You cannot have one without the other. It's the way it is. The heights of love, and the depths of grief.

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Rev. Butler Bass: re: What new can be said about faith, hope, and love? Me, I think what can be said is that in order for those things to actually/even/ever be on-going possibilities there must be some kind of agency/way for those things to be "realized." One can have faith, which is really hope wearing another name. And one can love (the agapie kind of love). But those are just and only "feelings"....and have little or nothing to do with the kind of "agency" (will?) required to make faith, hope and love more than just aspirational goals. Looking at the what's going on the world today (climate disasters with no end in sight; famines due to climate change and civil wars; nations buried in civil/political strife; a societal disconnect between the uber-rich and uber-poor; the inability of shame to force those in power to do what should be done....you get my drift) I, a social historian, am not just discouraged, I am distraught.

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I needed these words today...it is so easy to fall into despair. Seeing it as a paradox for the other side - hope is so reassuring and I believe leads to the faith that will open new doors of hope and love.

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Thank you for sharing Parker Palmer's wisdom!!! Trish Holland

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I have always loved Parker's teaching on paradox--it's so helpful to know you don't have to sink into the pits or try to talk yourself into clenching onto an illusion of hope (rather than hope itself). Thank you for reminding us about holding paradox in your usual elegant way.

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Thank you, Diana— feeling this deep in my heart!✨♥️✨

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I so needed these words this morning. Thank you.

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It is said that the road to Mastery is filled with a million messes.As we faithfully face each one with open honesty, we see how to restore coherence bringing hope, and then salvation has a chance to thrive as our love and Divine Love fuse together in unity. Seeing face to face is not reserved for some future time beyond the grave but is available now. Once we fully realize this gift, we have returned home to our original image.

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I most often use battery candles these daays and when I am on the computer often light one for Christ's Presence here. Today I lit two . I have a third and will have all three during morning online Church . Love Hope, Faith! Thank you for remininding me.

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Thank you. I have been on a journey with some friends whose time of late has been traumatic. I feel the despair. I will make a more concerted effort to feel the hope too.

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Today is our 40th wedding anniversary, and like so many weddings in the 80s, these words were read that day. They also hang in our bedroom, the only needlepoint project I ever completed. For us, love is what has made faith and hope possible in times of fear and sadness, and in times of great joy. I often quote the James Taylor translation of 1 Corinthians 13:13b: "Ain't no doubt in no one's mind that love's the finest thing around".

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Happy Anniversary!

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