Since I suspect I'll be returning to this page in three years, I thought I'd add this here so I can find it then.

A 2-tweet thread by @benvonfun on Twitter (https://twitter.com/benvonfun/status/1634988132230901760):

Listening to today’s sermon on John 4, the woman at the well is quoted saying of Jesus in v 39

“He told me everything I have ever done.”

This reminded me of what happens in all my 12-step meetings, where we find salvation with the same realization in our fellows in recovery::

They also know all we have done. This mutual understanding of things not directly spoken is KEY in forming the trust that allows salvation of recovery.

What struck me for the first time is that Jesus understands us in this deep embodiment of understanding. That’s a big deal.

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I appreciated reading all the comments today. It was great seeing how the puppy has grown, and to see the picture of Richard.

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Love the photo of Paddy and you and Richard.

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I thank God that John included this story in its entirety. The amazing woman, needing water for life, needing a relationship with another and with her God, a woman who could articulate her thoughts and needs, and a woman who gladly shared her convincing story with all others, even me.

Thanks for all you do, Diana…

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

The entire story is a reversal of sin; here, Jesus and the woman re-enact Eden with a different result." These words stuck with me all day. I wanted to comment on them in my 1st comment but didn't have the words at that point. I also had the pleasure of getting to meet Bo Sanders yesterday morning as I live in the Portland area and shared with him that I learned of him through the Anniversary broadcast of HBC and of HBC through you. In an interesting day to visit VHUMC, he mentioned something that he had heard you say that never left him - "...that people don't understand the difference between weather and climate" and went on to incorporate that into his message. Am looking forward to the next several weeks listening to Bo. Getting back to your words yesterday, those will stick with me much in the same way that he referenced in what I will call "The Antidote".

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Thank you for sharing this photo! ❤️🙏🏽

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Thank you...I have loved knowing there are springs, ancient springs, under many sacred sites, e.g. Chartres, Mary's house in Turkey near Ephesus....Betty Pagett (Wade in the water the special music next Sunday)

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Love your thoughts here. Theectionary texts do so much with "living water" today. It's really cool to hear your reflections on it, and the sorrow of what it might be to lose it. I've got a piece coming out tonight (I hope) about this as well. I think you'll like it.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this passage, especially the connection to the Genesis. I also appreciated the family photo including your adorable new puppy!

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Thank you for affirming that "Living Water" is Jesus first "I am" statement, and it's offered to a woman. I noticed that very thing in my own lectionary study of the story this week. I wondered why it is not included as an "official" I am statement. Another reading from below and on the margins expands the wonders of God.

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How appropriate a Gospel it seemed this morning and to be reading your reflection . I had read some face book posts grumbling about snow being piled on a grill in MN where last week the owner had been able to grill because of unseasonably warm weather and another post about someone going on about Water being God. Then I was surrounded on three sides sitting in the sunroom surrounded by windows on three sides-- with a steady rain soaking the early flowers, trees, ground and the small trenches along the sidewalk and grass filling with water and overflowing into puddles and raindrops making an additional " polka dot" curtain on screens and windows. And, I thought about the marginalized woman at the well ,her respect for the water in the well, her heritage, and her willingness to be a messenger to her people and us through the centuries. Key verse for me Vs 14 Jesus 'said', "but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty . The water that I give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life." (NRSV ) Points to us in 21st century The water is for everyone ; the message is classless. All means All . Gratitude Diana for a prayerful morning at home.

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I just wanted add a bit of context to the woman at the well as the first evangelist. I discovered this on Feb. 26 when Photini appeared in the Episcopal Lesser Feasts Calendar. The Eastern Orthodox Revere her as an apostle equivalent to the 12, who wants to a life of evangelism and eventually martyrdom. Googling saint Photini provides more info

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“The entire story is a reversal of sin; here, Jesus and the woman re-enact Eden with a different result. The woman’s eyes are opened; she understands.” When the woman tells Jesus he has no bucket, I realized that Jesus was willing to drink from her bucket! That she could help satisfy his thirst from her bucket means that he could drink from MY bucket as well. Intimacy. Relationship. Meeting at a well, and not in a pew - that’s where we find Jesus.

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About 50 years ago, a woman was invited to talk to the women of the Methodist church where I was a member. She illustrated the stories of Mary and Martha, the woman at the well, and I particularly loved the story of the woman at the tomb who saw Him and cried out "Rabboni" ( probably why my favorite hymn is "In the Garden". So many times it was women who recognized who He really was. When I see churches pushing away women in pastoral positions, I have to wonder if those men in church leadership positions actually know who He is.

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Glad to see Padraig to enjoy lighting up your lives!

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Also...while I appreciate all you’ve gleaned from the meanings of water...life-giving source...I am troubled by any sermons preached from John’s Gospel...as if we’re of course meant to take the narrative as having happened, and the words from Jesus as having been actually said by him! I will never be convinced that Jesus ever thought or felt himself to be Messiah. I am convinced that he admonished that no one be called Father but his God! I can’t imagine Jesus wanting attention to himself...although his caring love was what he wanted to leave, in remembering him as we take and eat the bread, drink the cup...so we would be nourished in growing in compassionate agape love!

Another thing, you suggested that “John’s gospel is the most feminist book in the New Testament”...and indeed its texts have inspired and been claimed by Celtic Christians...for their embracing the feminine, and mystical reflections.

Thanks, Diana!

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Congratulations on getting a new puppy!!!

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