I went to a week-long (I think) Gothard seminar when I was a teenager. I'm still damaged by it, and I'm now 67. You'd think I'd be over it, but, alas. I hated it at the time, and still do. My sister took me and thought it was wonderful.

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Interesting to note that, whatever is intended by "dominion" over the other animals in Genesis 1:28f, it does not extend to killing them for food; in this passage, the alimentary dispensation for all animals (including humans) is explicitly vegetarian. Killing other animals for food is finally countenanced by God only in the Noachic dispensation (Gen. 9), and then only as a concession to the insatiability of our animal appetites: "for the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth" (8:21). Still, the idealistic vision of universal vegetarianism (however biologically implausible) emerges again in the Isaian oracle of the wolf lying down with the lamb, and the lion eating straw like the ox (Is. 11:6ff). On these and related Judaeo-Christian perspectives regarding interspecies ethics, see (if interested) https://www.academia.edu/45012966/Beyond_Stewardship_Judaeo_Christian_Alternatives_to_Dominionism

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Thanks so much for this, Diana — and especially for the Dorothy Sayers quote. This is the most profound brief reflection on and encapsulation of the meaning of the Trinity that I have ever seen.

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Excellent, thanks.

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Thank you so much for this missive, you've explained so much. I'm looking forward to a dinner discussion tomorrow night with19 other members of my church , with this essay as a starting point.

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Too many years since Latin for me, but I would be tempted to say dominion is like domain and domicile....our place, our home.

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Diana, thank you for this. Imagine what it’s like to be a life long resident of Arkansas. The Duggars are embarrassing and our Governor is awful. I am amazed at how so many people cling to the words of one white man. I’m a passionate carer of creation having been this way my whole life. I’m extremely blessed to be a part of a church family who understands that creation is equally loved by God as is the people-ALL people- who walk this Earth.

Thank you for your gift of words!

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This, as well as the interview with Jeff Sharlet and his book The Family and book by Katherine Stewart, The Power Worshippers, has raised my consciousness and interest in knowing more about this aspect of Christianity which seems so outrageous and foreign to me - but ignorance is really dangerous here. We need to be informed about this and I so appreciate those who are researching and writing about it. Efforts to dig deeper into the meaning of words (not relying on Western/European meanings) is so very helpful. Please keep bringing these stories to our attention! Thank you.

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"Outbreed the Muslims!"

"Men create and subdue and women procreate and act subdued!"

The entire prosperity gospel, most reformed churches, the fundamentalist, ultra conservative wings all claim dominion because they allow old white men to keep all the power.

One little word that was meant to demonstrate God's grace and beauty towards Creation is now used to demean, belittle, and reject.


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Great context on that word that I didn't know. Here's my lay person's thoughts along related lines (and I hadn't even watched the doc before I started writing this, but the Duggars are yet another case!) https://open.substack.com/pub/hollyberkleyfletcher/p/bad-religion?r=17nn2v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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What a good piece, Holly!

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Thank you, Diana, for this article. I too am watching "Shiny People....." Some of us feel Dominionism ideology is, a major threat to our democracy and loving forms of Christianity, and more education about this threat is very important. May I suggest going to Religion Research Associates and read their article titled Dominionism Rising about a history of a theocratic movement. Grateful for you and your articles.

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thank you! simply done and clear. A helpful statement. Love all the supplemental readings but especially the wendell berry poem. Thanks!

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"And that’s the human task — to invite the rest of creation — the fish and birds and all living things — into this dominion, “subduing” creation to sabbath."

What a beautiful statement; an excellent post all around. So many have already written what I might have, so I'll let their words speak.

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Thank you for this important essay. As I read it, I thought of a May 30 article in the Washington Post—“The Revolt of the Christian Homeschoolers” by Peter Jamison. It features a couple—both homeschooled in what sounded like dominionism—who have chosen, in defiance of family tradition, to send their three children to public schools. Jamison's investigative work and interviews with the couple are admirable. He places this homeschooling story within the context of deeply conservative Christianity and even mentions that the woman’s parents followed the teachings of Bill Gothard, but he doesn’t discuss dominionism as the larger context. Why are journalists like Peter Jamison not consulting historians of American Christianity like you when they attempt such a piece? How can we, your readers, help encourage journalists and their editors to become better informed about the power of religion in America?

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GREAT questions! Thank you for posing them! May we all work on figuring out how we can be part of that solution...Hmmmm...

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Thank-you for this honest and accurate commentary on the misuse of the word dominion. The distortions that have been widely accepted in sections of Christianity have served to diminish and devalue the basic integrity of creation. “Power over” is license for the advancement of all forms of abuse affecting everything as we have witnessed and often been subject to in various forms. The hope is a sincere re-evaluation of our role as humans on earth as you have done here.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Good word today (6/4). As an environmental activist and ecologist, the challenge has been and continues to be wrestling people way from the interpretation of “dominion” as dominance over, selfish rule and control. The Hebrew understanding works - shepherd and care taker - to change minds and action. Thank you.

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