Myrlie Evers dishes up an inspiring meal, with plenty of substance to produce strength for the day and the journey.

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The musing this Sunday, combined with the one from last Sunday, create a great combination of inspiration to grow and to take risks for truth and justice.

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That recipe! Wow. All of this was inspirational. Thank you.

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From Tripp in the snippets of Ruining Dinner: " Cultivating contempt for humans is working against God. Judas was given the Eucharist. God, in Jesus, demonstrated contempt for no one. God is All-in All, not All-in-Some". BRAVO!!! Truer words were never spoken. Kinder words were never spoken.

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I appreciate the encouragement to continue fighting for the Kingdom of God in advancing years. I always look for what we should do from day to day. How does God reveal the Kingdom every day, so we can change what is three feet away, as Carrie Newcomer says. I like the words of James who wants us to see ourselves in the mirror and then turn that into Freedom and new life.

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The equating of the spirit of justice with the Holy Spirit is very meaningful to me and reminds me that the two cannot be separated in my living.

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Thank you, we must continue to uplift and encourage one another.

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Preach. I’m heartened by your message.

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Sep 1Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Amen Dr Tisby, Amen.

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I felt enheartened. No moaning and groaning here.

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Aug 31Liked by Diana Butler Bass

An inspiring post. I was reminded of something C G Jung said about inner work/change: insight, courage and persistence across time is required to achieve change and the smallest factor is insight. Courage and persistence, courage and perseverance will take us to a new place in our relationships. And it has to be done many times.

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Aug 31Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I look forward to your new book Dr. Tisby. I am glad that zondervan is offering your books at a huge discount this weekend.

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Aug 31Liked by Diana Butler Bass

In the strength of courage comes understanding, and with understanding knowledge, and with knowledge the knowledge of justice, and with the knowledge of justice the love of all existences , and with the love of all existences comes truth- wisdom- goodness- beauty- and grace.

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