I'm a social historian....and where we are is really scary to me: it's the kind of historical inflection point that lead to the American Revolution and Civil War...imo, anyway.

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The world need to know about Gish Gallop/gaslighting. IMO, anyway.

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Thank you for this lesson! We are all faced this choices to act with dignity or contempt everyday.

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In these hyper-polarized, my-way-or-the-highway, black vs. white, good vs. bad, urban vs. rural, (you get my drift) times, it's become all but impossible to recognize/step into/accept/empathize with someone else's "reality" and said ability/character/emotional trait (I'm no psychologist) is THE prerequisite for being able to empathize....a character trait that was in short supply on the left side of the screen on Thur evening.

IMO, anyway.

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Thank you for these wise reflections and the good, healthy challenge to live into. I really appreciate your time and investment here, Diana.

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Yes Biden is showing his age...but the above assessment by a geriatrician does not indicate dementia nor doBiden's doctors' tests.

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He also showed his political expertise and experience (something acquired as one ages) during the debate, though I've yet to hear someone one in the media (of which I am a former member) mention that fact.

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Thank you.

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I can't think of a single redeemable character trait of Donald Trump. The only reason I think people vote for him is in reality he is a reflection of them.

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He's definitely their guy, though they are definitely not his guys...if you get what I mean.

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I try to look for the potential 'blessings' in any situation. Jesus offered lots of 'blessings' throughout His ministry; lots of 'blessings' of healing of body and/or mind.

With regards to the recent presidential debate, perhaps there are some potential 'blessings' to consider.

1. President Biden, and his team, are now very aware of the debating tactics of ex-president Trump. There is going to be a second debate closer to the November 5th election. In preparation for their second debate, president Biden will probable now work with a number of consultants and trainers to help him prepare to debate and react to ex-president Trump's debating style.

2. There is going to be alot of in-person campaigning and media campaigning before the November 5th election, especially in the potential 'swing states'. President Biden appears to be energized in his in-person campaigning since the debate. Ex-president Trump has provided lots of potential sound-bites and words that will probably be used in President Biden's media campaign as it unfolds.

3. In recognition of the 'power of prayer' and the potential 'blessings' through prayer, it apears that president Biden can use as many prayers, 'blessings', as possible for the health of his body and mind as he continues on the path of re-election.

I'm not sure if there are other potential 'blessings' from the presidential debate. Perhaps because it occurred so long before the November 5th election, there is still sufficient time to convince voters to make sure they exercise their power to vote for the country leadership they want to have.

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I do see a blessing: viewers saw (and were reminded of) exactly who DJT is and how DJT operates and how unprepared with facts and evidence DJT was during the debate, IMO anyway. This was an opportunity that few voters have actually had these last 3 years.

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Also, much thanks for your well-thought-out comments, which I should have lead with.

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You're welcome Eileen. Thank you.

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You bring up very valid points. I am very grateful that our creator is in charge. He cares about all of us whether we believe in him or not.

This political season is only bringing anger, anxiety, and upheaval served up on a bed of fear. But that is not what our Lord is about. And he has authority over our candidates, over our country, over all. We may not sense it now, we may want him to rain down fire on our enemy/brother. But He knows…better.

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Thank you for offering some most needed clarity during this most troublesome time. This past week has been a tough one. After listening to a lay "sermon" last Sunday (our pastor is dealing with a wife undergoung her second cancer surgery and couldn't find a pastoral substitute) that presented textbook Christian nationalist mythology, we then get hit with a debate debacle and rulings from an authoritarian Supreme Court that seems to want to take up George III's crown for themselves after 248 years. I'm exhausted. I'm finding it really difficult not to drill down to #2 or so on Tim Shriver's dignity index and lash out at a few people.

After reading Heather Cox Richardson's debate column and reading about the Gish gallop, I immediately recognized the technique because it was once used on me--twelve years ago, a month before the 2012 election, and by a family member who had bought into all the lies about Barack Obama. I still remember the total befuddlement, confusion, and inability to form a coherent reply. I can imagine how Joe Bden must have felt Thursday night. At least the ambush I went through occurred in private.

And at least this morning's sermon presented the Gospel (not my home church because we're out of town), and I'm grateful for that. However, I will need to discuss last week's message with our pastor as soon as he is back from 24/7 caring for his spouse.

Thanks again for offering some needed clarity here today. It's a healing ointment. Peace.

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I so agree. I think what we witnessed was President Biden so undefended against the unrelenting barrage of contempt lobbed at him. As he said it’s hard to debate a liar. .

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What a great reading of the story, Diana 🙏. American debate culture is broken as is a media complex wich sells news as entertainment.Contempt is the fuel and thus the winner is who can toss the most contempt in 2 minutes. It was heart breaking to watch but it offers a diagnosis of our time for all able to see.

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A tool well-honed by DJT...which means, to me anyway, he's had lots of practice.

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What a very wise commentary on the recent debate. Many of us are struggling with the outcome and needed your assurance today. Thank you.

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Wonderful hard sermon and commentary. I had to skip church today. Glad I did, more time to be with your reflections. Going to the other side and not letting yourself be broken is a tall order . At 80 plus and no dementia! you have given me courage. It is interesting to note that BCP Baptismal Covenant has us answer I will with Gods help and we have that for our life and our ministry. But at ordination in the examination the candidate only says I will. I just feel think maybe our ordained need God's

help ?

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I confess: when the arrogance and contempt are so strong--and inflicting so much damage, I am humanly incapable of not responding with contempt.

But I am trying....

Lord, hear my prayer, and help me channel my anger into positive actions.

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