Brother Crossan is in the habit of drawing conclusions which are assumptions he presents as facts, his "historical truths," not theories or possibilities. No doubt the contrast is there, but not necessarily with the deliberate political revolutionary overtones except those Rome might draw and the Sanhedrin might make sure Pilate did not miss. Messiah come humbly in peace, that was swept aside, because the only ones threatened were the religious in power. And that was because there was no mistaking the messianic claim. Jesus retraced the departure of David from Jerusalem in humiliation, life in danger, deprived of power, rejected by those whose king he was. The disciples and populace mistook this as a triumphal return. It was not. This heir of David was there to face what David escaped. Another NT "flip the script" on an OT story, just like Genesis 22.

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I understand the "empire" this year, watching the war by Emperor Putin and its cruelty. Thank you!

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Your Musings were my sermon this morning. Much to ponder and reflect. We went to an Episcopal church this morning near our home this morning. First time in person Eucharist in two years.. The Passion Gospel was read as a play. /sermon. Pretty awesome morning, Thank you for being an important part of it. Receiving directly from Priest was awesome too. Also took a nap when we got home ! Love and Peace

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The choice of processions... a helpful and interesting illustration. Thank you!!!

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Hi Diana, I so appreciate this interpretation of Jesus mounting an anti empire protest, especially in light of the words of warning that follow as he sees the horrors that are to come because his people will not embrace his message of peace and enemy love. I read Josephus’ account of the siege of Jerusalem while living and working in Rwanda in 2013. The gore of 1994 Rwanda and AD 70 Jerusalem was an easy comparison. In your example here, you site an expansion of empire as being Putin’s war on Ukraine, leaving off mention of US/Biden’s expansion of NATO and arming Nazis, or the US backed overthrow of Ukraine in 2014 where the US empowered the same Nazis. When I moved to Rwanda in 2010 I had a Western media version of events, but getting to know Rwandans’ stories I found a blood soaked expansion of empire - US empire was at the source of the killing. It was expanding into Congo with the blessing of the likes of Rick Warren and the Anglican Church. Just as it is currently expanding into Yemen, yet is almost unseen by The West, especially Americans living in the United States, where corporate so called “journalists” manufacture consent for war and the crushing of the global poor. Reading and teaching scripture with poor Africans living under two US backed dictatorships, Uganda and Rwanda, I find that American theologians, in our study guides and books we use, often use examples of empire that looks abroad at the manufactured evil individual villains, as you have here with Putin, yet Jesus spoke directly to his people about their own desire for violence. I just finished Freeing Jesus and throughly enjoyed it. I too cowered under my desk waiting for the ICBM missiles to hit. I believed, as a child, we were the good guys and Jesus blessed us with role of being “America land of the free” for other nations to envy and strive for. It’s been a long “journey” to the Prince of Peace being my BFF! In Freeing Jesus, I hope you will appreciate this bit of feedback, I found you sited FOX and Trumpism more often than Democrat-blessed identity-washed white supremacy and empire expanion. We currently have Democrats enthusiastically calling for arming Nazis within the Ukrainian military. MSNBC and CNN profit from weapons manufacturers and rehashes CIA talking points as much as FOX does, if not more. Because “Americans” are inundated with pro US empire talking points the entire West knows the colors of the Ukrainian flag and yet has no clue what is happen right now in Yemen nor can identify a Yemeni flag. This is by design, in Yemen WE are doing the war crimes. I find that my mainstream friends are just as ignorant of their support of US hegemony as my Evangelical friends. My request is that when you address “Americans” please give them examples of their own tax payer funded and church blessed empire expansion, please show them the log in their own eye, rather than the speck in their brothers. Have them running to buy The Jakarta Method and The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman and Hate Inc before they start another bible study or book of theology or tune in to Western corporate media again to hear once again that we are the “good guys” - we have a lot of soul searching to do as a church in the West to mount the same protest Jesus did. Thanks you and keep it up! I deeply appreciate you. Thanks for letting me share my perspective.

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Beautiful and so thought-provoking. Those are the true questions at the heart of faith. Thank you.

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Such a continual paradox, this earthly existence is! While the truth of love seems so very evident as the ruling force of the universe, there are those who are blind to the spiritual reality that births and supports everything. The message of hope still rides on a donkey through all the perils and sufferings of history directly into open hearts that see through eyes of humility.

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Happily, this is the question that was posed by my Priest this morning (Anglican)... yet I recall one Palm Sunday when we took our palm procession to the streets... and a 'neighbour' called the police about the noise and 'cultic practices' going on... true. and we loved it!!!

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This is such an important interpretation of Palm Sunday at this time. These theologians have given us a gift. Thank you for sharing.

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So, the correct way to view Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is as a protest/ demonstration. But, I think main stream churches portray it more as a sign of the coming of the kingdom. I was taught it was a triumphant entry. Diana has written a lot about the problems with "the church" and the traditional portrayal of Palm Sunday is. to my mind, is but a minor example of the churches failure. We are to understand this day as a protest / demonstration,, even power struggle, and we are otherwise taught and worship this day as a triumphant prelude to the crux fiction. I think we all know that churches are not teaching the gospel and as a result, we should not be at all surprised that we are not confronting the issues of our flawed humanity, and there should not be any wonder as to why our human condition, results in things like the Ukrainian conflict. Come Holy Sprit Come!

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good poem Diana! I love the Palm Sunday reflections. so powerful..

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Thank you, Diana. This makes Holy Week finally make sense to me in a way it never has before.

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I am on a journey of inclusivity and grace-filled love of Jesus, always hoping we are moving toward the God who made us and the Spirit who continues to help us see and hear where our journey is leading us.

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I am looking forward to Monday, Two Prophets up today. Diane thank you for arranging this time with the two of you together will be just wonderful. I hope you too can give us some insight on how we can help the people of Ukraine

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This so connects with The NY Times article this week. It appears that evangelical Christianity is wanting to “journey” with the Empire.

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Yes, indeed. I agree with Sandy. And salute the forthright & nuanced aspects of your voice on the page, scholar preacher poet Diana! What pondering we are invited to, this Palm Sunday. Thank you!

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