Diana, I am so excited about your work on altars in our world. I first learned of your work on this while at Southern Lights in January. Since then, I have listened to several segments of an amazing podcast by a woman from Virginia who visits Germany and lives there for a time in a quest to determine if America can learn from Germany's efforts to face its horrific past. Many times, altars or memorials are mentioned. You are probably fully aware of this project but thought of your work when I listened. The podcast is called Memory Wars from Radio IQ ...it can be found on Apple Podcasts. Episode 6 was especially what made me think of your work. Thank you for you so much for all the many ways you reach out to others: books, podcasts, preaching, conferences, articles, etc. It has meant so much to me.

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Beautiful, insightful comments on the linkage between Jesus' baptism and the Transfiguration. Thanks for opening my own vision for this invitation to enter into the divine mystery of presence, here and now.

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Thank you for mentioning Jimmy Carter. I lifted his name for prayer today at church. I wish that we could see many more "visible" saints like him.

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Beautiful reflection (pun intended)!

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These two sentences shimmered for me: "Quite simply, at his baptism Jesus had a vision of the spirit coming to him — “alighting” upon him. “Alighting” holds the double meaning of both landing upon him and illuminating him."

In so many meditations we are invited to imagine a light coming down from the heavens into the crown of our head and cascading down into our body. I have always welcomed this light and felt its warmth and transformative energy. There is something even more powerful in the use of the word, alighting, and the double definition that Diana gives adds a luminousness to it that doesn't just stay inward but shines brightly outwardly.

Washing in luminous light this beautiful morning!

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Your beautiful telling of this incredible moment gave me goose bumps that endured for a lengthy blessing. I pray that this visit will continue to

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Another moving article, Diana. Your writings are truly a blessing.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Diana Butler Bass

The transition from an external God to the intimate union of being the beloved in love is surely the most sacred journey of all. Once this mystery is experienced within, there really is no other reference point for all of reality. It is as though we have been blind and now ravished by grace, a clarity of sight resident in our hearts awakens and all we can do is listen to the sweet song of love as the eternal undercurrent that holds everything together in a tender embrace.

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Martha, you state it beautifully! Amen!

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

I'm a Jimmy Carter fan, too. Found out about Hospice,perhaps like others, when I opened my email. An EVANGELICAL Christian who's gotten it and shared it with the world.

Now, about Jesus' private moment. Seems so in Mark; Luke follows Mark with the personal address, but the Spirit ("spirit"? What "spirit"?) descends "bodily" as a dove; Matthew makes God give a public address: "THIS is my Son . . . ." And in John, John the Baptist is in on the whole thing. Tricky to choose just one version and say this is how it was, even if Mark is the first to write the story. These guys all had their own reasons. Mark's is revealed on that Friday, when the meaning of the words and the heavens being RIPPED open are revealed: the Real Deal Son, the Beloved not spared by his Father God (LXX version), the Servant who will suffer and die for us because of our sins, good Old Testament stuff.

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Diane - thank you for the remembrance of Jimmy Carter, we in Georgia have been so blessed by his presence.

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Absolutely beautiful reflection on the Transfiguration. Thank you!

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Beautiful! Thank you for this centering gift. My heart is moved in resting in be beloved.

Expanded heart with love and gratitude.

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I pray that God’s love will embrace, overshadow, and transform me. Thanks be to God.

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This is the first time I’ve seen described what I experienced at age 12. Since then I’ve been sure that my existence is worthwhile despite confusion, contradictions and the bombardment by those who can’t or won’t believe. In me it’s not religion. It’s knowing.

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I wish this knowledge could be more easily received.

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