Thank you, Diane, The Galilean Sea event was so beautifully illumined by your understanding and wise words. As I have you tube site called 'Anneli's Place' where I sometimes share mini sermons, may I use your brilliant interpretations on Jesus'

Walking on Water? I naturally will credit to you as the source. Please let me knw. I am an old retired Minister of the Uniting Church, now 86. Please let me know if you approve. Rev Anneli Sinkko MPhil

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Awareness of historical and cultural context is so important!

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Thanks, Diana. "Panem et Circem" at least that's how I learned it in Latin class ages ago. On the Convocation someone said that's what tRumpism is about - Shock and entertainment. Thanks for the historical lesson! May the culture of our day take this lesson and use it, I pray.

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I am so grateful for your word and generosity - thank you for offering “your” daily bread … kneaded by our hunger to know Jesus.

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I have a request that would be helpful to me and hopefully other subscribers. I struggle with reconciling the God of the New Testament (Jesus) who is all about peace and turning the other cheek with the God of the Old Testament who seems to include wars and killing in his plans. I am hoping this is something you can write about at some point. This has been brought to the forefront of my mind as I see a neighbors flag proclaiming God Guns and Trump. Thank you.

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I has an insight into the strange juxtaposition of this with the story about David and Bathsheba and how David arranged for the inconvenient situation to be resolved by doing away with Uriah.

That's how political power works. Even with God's own chosen one. A man after God's own heart. Jesus, fully aware, was not about to be suckered into being an earthly king.

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This is basically been my practice for months now. Taking each thought and temptation from social media captive I switch into singing chanting, humming breathing to break free from the offer of bread and circus.

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Very interesting historical context, thanks for sharing.

However, I am very disappointed by the end of your lesson.

Jesus sent his disciples away in the boat, they did not go looking for him as you said. (Mark 6:45)

He told them to go to the other side. But the wind was contrary so they were stuck in the middle of the sea. He had to perform a miracle to rescue them.

All of this has great symbolism in itself. When God tells us to do something it may not be easy to obey but we need to keep trying and God will rescue us eventually. - but it was not until the fourth watch of the night! which is about 12 hours or just before morning!!! Lots of rowing against the wind.

We too are told to endure to the end and to be about our Fathers business.

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I love learning the historical context of scripture. It just makes it come alive so much more. Thank you. And I understand the paywall but it becomes so difficult to pay for every scholar I admire on here. Thankful I can still read the comments even if I can’t respond to them n the near future. I appreciate your work tho!

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The idea that the decirles were lost and confused in the boat is an aspect of the story I hadn't thought a lot about especially in the context of the crowd wanting to make Jesus king. It adds even more to this story.

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"People are hungry,

and one good word is bread

for a thousand."

Amen to this. So true. Thank you for lifting us up, Diana.

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Jul 28Liked by Diana Butler Bass

A freebie subscriber taking the opportunity to comment before the comment section closes: thank you for your amazing work….I read your post as the sermon today, telling the congregations I serve that you were the guest preacher. They were very appreciative of your message! I’ll strongly consider being a paid subscriber if for no other reason than to support your work and pitch in a little so we can continue hearing from you and benefitting from your knowledge, expertise and perspective.

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Jul 28Liked by Diana Butler Bass

What a wonderful and timely message, today! I was blessed with learning about this place - by a share from a dear childhood friend about a year and a half ago. I have enjoyed every Sunday and many of the interim offerings since - for free. That generosity is akin to today's message. Thank you for offering the incentive to participate fully today. Your messages and their historical context parallel our current events so closely, it reaffirms all that life has taught me up to now. Grace is steadfast and true, eternal and freely offered by God through Christ to those who open their hearts and minds. Again, thank you for your guidance and method of delivery. May many be touched by the words. Peace be with you and all who enter and read here.

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Bread and circuses, aka pizza and games. Is this not how youth ministry was performed for decades? No wonder we long for shallow waters.

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Jul 28Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thanks for the commentary. I learn so much from you because of the historical context that you provide. It also speaks of our current situation, where certain folks want to go back to having a king (or autocratic ruler).

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Yes, the historical context is invaluable and simply not known to me.... once explained it makes the text so much richer and meaningful!

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