Fascinating- the difference between phronimos and sophia. Reading Richard Rohr today resonates perfectly with the “first half”vs the “second half “of life:
“In the second half of life, we do not have strong and final opinions about everything, every event, or most people, as much as we allow things and people to delight us, sadden us, and…
Fascinating- the difference between phronimos and sophia. Reading Richard Rohr today resonates perfectly with the “first half”vs the “second half “of life:
“In the second half of life, we do not have strong and final opinions about everything, every event, or most people, as much as we allow things and people to delight us, sadden us, and truly influence us. We no longer need to change or adjust other people to be happy ourselves. We have moved from doing to being to an utterly new kind of doing that flows almost organically, quietly, and by osmosis. Our actions are less compulsive. We do what we are called to do and then let go of the consequences.”
Fascinating- the difference between phronimos and sophia. Reading Richard Rohr today resonates perfectly with the “first half”vs the “second half “of life:
“In the second half of life, we do not have strong and final opinions about everything, every event, or most people, as much as we allow things and people to delight us, sadden us, and truly influence us. We no longer need to change or adjust other people to be happy ourselves. We have moved from doing to being to an utterly new kind of doing that flows almost organically, quietly, and by osmosis. Our actions are less compulsive. We do what we are called to do and then let go of the consequences.”