"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise . . " Psalm 100: 4. Giving thanks makes it easy to offer praise to the Almighy!

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I begin every day with this expression of gratitude:

I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for all that is, all that ever has been, and all that ever will be.

Most days, I actually mean it but I say it even on the days I don't mean it because, by saying it, I am more likely to believe it and take it on as truth.

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Absolutely! Gratitude is so important.. I keep a blessings journal and write in it almost daily. Just this morning anticipating my granddaughter's 13th birthday in October, I bought her a journal so she can record her blessings/gratitudes. Children need to take time to think of all the things they should be thankful for.

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Thank you for that reminder on Gratitude. EVERYTHING is a gift. As Paul said, give thanks in all things.


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I feel that many people think of gratitude as having something to do with warm and fuzzy feelings of some sort. But I believe that gratitude is something much deeper. I find that it is hard for me to articulate, and sometimes even harder to grasp and hold onto to. My belief is that gratitude is a state of being and a way of existing and not merely a fleeting moment. And dare I say, that given our current culture, gratitude is a radical rebellion against the status quo. Thank you Diana for posting and for your comments and sharing.

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"...is a radical rebellion against the status quo!" Right on...

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Practical, real life, simple is ok... examples please......

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thank you! I needed this reminder today.

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Gratitude is the wellspring of good, faithful stewardship. Not just a "duty," but a delight.

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How strange. I just finished a quiet prayer of gratitude when I opened your post. My life is in a precarious situation. What surfaced within me was fear that turned quickly to gratitude for such an amazing life. An easy one? Not at all and that is what has made it so exceptional. With you Diana and others of deep spiritual growth, my life is one of joyous celebration. Thank you

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I had no idea today was World Gratitude Day! I happened to write about it as well...a rather serendipitous coincidence. https://joshwoodtx.substack.com/p/gratitude-and-christianity

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today is also UN Peace Day. Wouldn't it be wonderful for gratitude to take over from all of the crises in personal, communal, and global life?

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Thank you

A daily spiritual.practice for me in times such as this.

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Grateful each and every day for those who do as you do.. your words that invoke in us thought to understand our world and appreciate the diversity..nature.. to sit and just be.. to do as we can in kindness..World Gratitude day.. thank you ..I did not know...

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I have suggested several times that our book study group read Grateful. It looks like we are finally going to do it during Advent. I have recommended this book to others many times. This book is a go-to favorite of mine , especially in these dark political times. Everyone who has read it has loved it .

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I appreciate listing to the video. Your focus on Gratitude made me recall the wonderful experience you gave us last Nov. I do hope you will repeat such this year. I remember the Ted Talk I listened to where a women said an attitude of Gratitude changes the brain. 🥰 Dianna

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Being grateful is one of my main spiritual practices in beginning each day. Gratitude for a warm house , coffee in a coffee pot and clean running water and all the people who make this possible etc. Indeed focusing on blessings makes a huge difference in each day .

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