Amen, and thank you.

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Beautiful sermon and a way to view and live the Lenten season in a personal

And productive manner. I’m hoping to embrace spiritual practice and growth.

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What a feeding point your post was Diana, thank you so much. I grew up in the Charismatic movement in South Africa and was a pastor for 35 years. (Still am in terms of my function, rather than my role.) I started practicing Lent about 10 years ago and for me it was a fresh experience. Having been out of formal ministry for 18 months now I find myself embracing a greater freedom than ever - to find faith as a way of life. To practice, to fail, to lean and yearn. You are a part of my transitional journey and I thank you.

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Prayers for your comfort and recovery, Diana. I am so delighted to read Madeline L' Engle's poetry. Thank you. I am quite ready to experience and practice Lent.

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So sorry to hear of your diagnosis - let's hope you can give up COVID for Lent!

I was raised Southern Baptist and never practiced Lent. I look forward to your series and thoughts on the Cross (which is mostly a stumbling block to me for sure; fundamentalist theology pretty much ruined it for me). I also wonder if you practiced Lent in your evangelical days.

Again - get well soon; take all the rest you need.

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SO sorry about your 3rd COVID! Having just had my 2nd and not really enjoying it all that much, I strongly sympathize and hope yours will be short and mild. Please rest-- you want to stay away from long-COVID! Thank you for this intro to Lent-- much to pray with!

Phyllis G.

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Diana thank you so much for sharing this sermon. This is truly nourishing.

As someone who has not traditionally practiced Lent ( I grew up in a church tradition which did not mark time by the Christian calendar other than to celebrate Christmas and Easter) this gives me something to take hold of. The analogy to the theatre Is immensely helpful.

I am not a fan of Easter, and l’m more often puzzled and annoyed by the many cliches that are trotted out around the language of ‘the cross’. Following Jesus’ life giving,hope filled practices as he journeys to the cross and beyond gives me something to work towards this Lent… and of course each and every day. Practice Yes! Resurrection- Yes!

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I'm so sorry to read you have covid once again. Prayers that it's a mild case and for your quick recovery. Thank you for this lesson on "practice".

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I’m so sorry to hear you have covid again.

I hope you have a milder case. You are in my

Prayers for a quick recovery.

Thank you so much for all your brilliant teachings. I want a deeper experience of Lent . I love that …finding anew way to get home.

I’m so grateful to be practicing Lent with you & the Cottage😇

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Oh so beautiful! Thank you. I was hesitant to read this since I gave up lent years ago. I smiled when you said you were giving up giving up lent! So I read. And I was blessed by the way you used your words to give me a deeper meaning of practice. I can see this inner work time now as something for me to see in all areas of my life. I no longer attend a church so I savor the messages that you give and share them with my friends.

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Thank you. Enjoyed the lesson!

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Feb 14Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I'm so sorry you're sick again! My heart is grateful for your words today. Such a beautiful sermon, I would have loved to have heard that live. The poetry for the day is exquisite. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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By the way, Diana, Covid isn't something we're supposed to practice:-) Seriously, my heart goes out to you as you maneuver through the landscape of covid for a third time. Praying with you that this is a brief trip and that you recover quickly and fully.

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Ugh re: COVID. I don't like this script at all!

Thanks for the good wishes.

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Feb 14Liked by Diana Butler Bass

As one of my seniors in the Japanese martial discipline aikido once said many years ago, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Be careful what you practice." Over the years I've grown to appreciate the deep wisdom in Kevin's words.

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That's a fantastic insight.

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As we enter Lent and think of house cleaning and soul cleaning, I can hear the Rev. Dr. Albert Schweitzer saying, "If you can give something up, you own it. If you can't give it up. it owns you." - Doug Carpenter

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So sorry about the Covid, am praying it’s a light case and you recover soon🙏🏼

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