Rev. B, like you, I am a historian (a social historian at that, who did some of her MA work on the Second Awakening...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Great_Awakening), and I, too, watched in sorrow as the economic and social divide we have been mislabeling as a racial divide movement got yet another arrow added to its quiver. In your update you (rather obliquely) asked whether the organized Christian church (all organized religions, actually) took yet another membership and affiliation hit with the pandemic. Sadly, I think it did, though I'm not sure that is/will be the case with churches that are being led by charismatic preachers/leaders. But, ever the optimistic pessimist/pessimistic optimist, I hope it didn't. (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charismatic_Christianity for more on charismatic churches)

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I hate to be a dissenter in this love fest but it seems like a cheap shot at "those terrible horrible bad" people who are so unenlightened that THEY are not being GOOD Christians. If we go by McLaren's stages of faith, it seems important to accept that everyone is living by the light they can absorb. It seems clear to me that the porridge is always enhanced by the cinnamon and raisins. Has condemnation ever convinced the accused to do better?... just thinking out loud here.

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Oh, you must have been reading my mind!! Sadly, this is so true and a setback an American disgrace. Thank you for this poignant message of our time.

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So on point. Thank you for today's insightful column

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Thank you for your, always, insightful comments. I wish ALL Faith Communities would become the vaccine.

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The view of self centeredness is one's own navel. Of course one of John Wesley's instructions is to do no harm.

Those among us who do not follow the Covid protocols harm all of us by needlessly exposing us. I think that some of us have been hesitant to condemn this behavior but the time has passed for silence on the subject.

Thank you for calling attention to those who have substituted self-righteousness for the righteous obligation to care for others.

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Thank you for recalling the Sisters from Memphis. They are buried at historic Elmwood cemetery, where my friend Jane tends the graves of two children, planting and watering the flowers of remembrance.

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Oh Diana, it seems the long road to recovery is one of remembrance. We must remember who we are (children of God) and why we are here ( to love ). The simple truth of our existence is really all we need to set our wills on course with the Divine will.

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