You have disappeared from my gmail....I am a senior unable to support financially but I have been broadly encouraging people to go to The Cottage and a number I suspect can afford to contribute financially.

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Same request. I would love to share this poem.


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I thought I replied! Oh well. The poem is from the website of the Tucson Iris society. It is there. I can't imagine that they wouldn't want it shared -- full credit and citation of course!

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May I share your content, specifically the poem , if I correctly use citation including your URL, the author, and the Tuscan Area Iris Society? I will only be supporting your theme and continuing to relate to the love of flowers and how they inspire us so! Thanks in advance!

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Congratulations on three years. I'm confident there's much more to come. You have added much richness and depth to our (my wife and myself) growth in faith. There is so much of Christianity we said "NO WAY" to. Nice to find an AMEN rising up in us now and then. Also great for me to be a male visiting the cottage.

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I so needed this reminder and message today after reading so much conflicting, conflictual, and spiritually draining “news.” A person found guilty by a jury of his peers of sexual abuse one day getting an open forum and platform on national media to tell more lies and foment more anger and abuse the next. It makes my head spin! But it invites me to dig deeper to my roots of truth, courage, and compassion. To walk the fine line between apathy and vitriol.

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Diana, I subscribed the first May you offered subscriptions, and I'm delighted to celebrate your third Cottage birthday with you! The Cottage and you have both been gifts to me in so many ways. You have provided spiritual nurture as I have found myself outside the church community I have been part of almost all my life; you have challenged my mind to seek beyond the false constraints of my conservative evangelical upbringing, and invited my heart into terrains that have thrilled me, stilled me, and invited me to ground all that I am and do in Love. You have been my champion, my confidant, my cheerleader, and co-learner. May you be blest for all that you have been to me along this journey. And on the days you feel discouraged by the insanity and evil all around us, may you too turn to this beautiful community for solace, companionship and courage.

With deep love and gratitude!


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It has been wonderful getting to know you here -- and on Twitter!

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“And there they were. All these mothers. I have more mothers than any eight girls off the street. They are the moons shining over me.”

~Sue Monk Kidd, “The Secret Life of Bees”

Thank you Diana ~ and all the new friends I have found here in The Cottage! I am a mother among mothers - and sisters and brothers!

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I think we should stop using the term Christian nationalism. There is nothing Christian about any nationalism. Jesus did not promote any nationality, not did he teach any association with nation or government. Give to Caesar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s - total separation. The more we join the “Christian nationalism” discourse the more we give validity to it. No, let’s not call it Christian Nationalism. Let’s call it what it is: CHRISTO-FASCISM.

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I know you mean well, but honestly, everyone knows that mother's day is really all about celebrating only those who have been able to be someone's adoptive or biological mother. Trying to make it more inclusive by tacking on "teachers, friends, mentors" at the end of the list feels like tokenism to this never to be someone's mother thanks to infertility. I'd love to see as big a deal being made over International Women's Day, a celebration for all women regardless of their marital or reproductive status, as gets made over mother's day. It's a really difficult day/following week to get through for those of us who aren't able to be mothers. It's also hard for many whose mothers have died or who weren't worth celebrating.

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Hi Ruby. I've had a host of issues with Mother's Day myself.

A dozen years ago, I wrote this piece for Huffington Post to clear up some of my own misconceptions. It doesn't answer every concern but helps frame the American holiday in a different way: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/radical-history-of-mothers-day_b_3259326

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More hugs.

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Oh my. Sorry, but I disagree! I’ve had many mothers in my life, but only one biological mother - who suffered from depression at the hands of a chauvinistic husband (my dad) who repressed every dream she ever voiced. She urged me, her only daughter, to go boldly into the world and do great things and find a great man who would support me. I proudly think of teachers, friends, mothers of friends, and business and spiritual mentors who have mothered me! Sorry, Ruby, I wholeheartedly disagree with you. Hugs.

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It's okay to disagree, and I appreciate the gentle way in which you did so. We all bring different experiences and perspectives to this particular day. For you it's the gift of many women you could embrace as a mother. For me, it marks the sad might-have-beens.

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I understand and send even more hugs. Thanks for your gentle reply, too. The beauty of The Cottage.

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"I can't do it all today, but I can do something." Quote from Mother Teresa from Doug Carpenter

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I’m going to share this on Mother’s Day. Thank you!

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Such a timely message in my mind’s chaos this morning. Back on solid ground I stand. I rest now in gratitude.

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