Sometimes it’s nice to just stop and take a deep breath.

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May 27Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Thank you for beautiful photos and poetry and prayers from your life in refreshment. They make me smile, and they feel like a birthday present as I finish my 8th decade in a state of wonderment-- how did this happen?! So appreciate this gift from you to all of us.

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I enjoyed your photos Bless your resting time Barb Bambrick

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Beautiful and ever true. Life is good in the simplicity of all things

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Thanks for this post, Diana! Glad you are taking care of yourself but also being an example for the rest of us, both lay and clergy! So important for us all! Blessings as you refresh and renew! Great pictures too!!!

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Love this posting! Love the freshness of your writings - they are so “soul healing!” Thank you. Makes me wish I lived next door!

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Yea!!! for you. Thanks for sharing and being a model.

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I love seeing your photos of reminders of the important things. Life and love is all around us. We just have to take the time to notice.

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How wonderful for you! I enjoyed these common everyday pictures, especially the one of Richard and your dog❤️Enjoy.

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So good to take time to breathe and open our hearts to what God might be saying to us for the next part if our journey. Rest, reflect, renew, imagine, create, observe, feel. Sense God’s time.

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Thank you for sharing some of your home delights ! It made me appreciate my own morning( though vastly different as a retired, apartment dweller) Instead I rejoiced in my blooming Peace Plant in my sunroom window, and tossed a toy for my black cat,Bud.. The Spirit is here as I overlook the deep Bedford Basin in Halifax , NS , as She is with you in your lovely cottage.. and we are all one! Blessings to you as you do your ‘ semi-sabbatical’ !

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I always think the best gifts are hand made, or in your daughter’s case, hand blown! How special is that! Glad you’re enjoying the shift in slowing down!

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Love the photos!

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A bit like Luke 9:1: we go do good works when we are SENT, we sit when we are told to SIT. As if we are puppies and God loves our enthusiasm, but knows it is in everyone's interest if we learn how to follow a few command!

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Beautiful to appreciate the beauty in your home nest 🪹 Moments, Memories of the past filled with ❤️ love.

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Hooray for your wisdom taking the sabbatical! What a wise woman. By the way, your recent photo of the Cottage w it’s beautiful blooms is residing as my iPad wallpaper these days.

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