So much food for thought here. Thank you.

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As a mother who lives with her young adult son who lives with autism and schizophrenia, I have been in the throes of house repair (and thankfully able to pay someone much more knowledgeable than myself to make the repairs and updates). Unfortunately, the house repair is due to the unintentional damage of property due to my son's psychosis. Wow, did this newsletter really hit home. Incarnation, indeed. How do I see God, in the midst of my son's disability, in the midst of a home in disrepair? How do I respond to the intrusion of illness, and brokenness? Where is the Great Physician in our home? How is his healing power present? Can we see it, or are we blind to it? Jesus, himself, kept his wounds after resurrection even beyond all supernatural healing. The scars are real. My son's scars are real, and new wounds happen and the scarring continues.

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"Physician, heal thyself."

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Is this not what N.T.Wright is saying when he speaks of “life after life after death”, our everafter work of restoring God’s Kingdom..

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Please unsubscribe me. I find no way to do it on your page. Thank you.

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Done. There's an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

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Yes thank you so much for these words. A much needed perspective.

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Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom.

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I loved this.

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Thank you so much, Diana! Yes, the Divine Physician within all of us to heal the world. In Hebrew it is "Tikkun Olam" or World Repair.

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Love that show - thanks for sharing the theology!

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Brilliant and apposite meditation - and I even know the TV show. We have it playing in Australia.

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Thank you for sharing this powerful piece. It really hit a chord within and it calls me to reflection time so that it’s messages are planted deep within my spirit.. not to be forgotten, but lived.


Kathy Ross

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Keith and Evan are not broken. It's the institutions trying to control the outcome that are broken. Most people, if left alone, will figure it out

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This is so insightful. Thank you.

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Our God is a God of the Broken. Who better to repair the broken? As the “hands and feet of God,” the church should be on the front lines and participating in the beauty of Her restoration.

Another wonderful article, Diana.

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wow do I love this. First, I am an artist so analogies and metaphors are my language. Second, I love HGTV, the Indianapolis women, the Bentonville couple, the Mississippi couple each have some of what you are seeing in the couple from Detroit (my home city) but these fellows go to a deep specificity found in living in these homes -- which is what makes this analogy a message to hold on to, reread. Thanks for making spiritual understanding available in this way. You are a huge blessing.

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