Dear Diana,

I share your liking of the old Mark text. When I was a young assistant pastor, I did a sermon on this and said to the congregation, when we come to the doors of the church today, looking for Jesus, we are the same as the women. We look inside and Jesus is not there. Just some dude in a robe saying he is somewhere else. Several church council members took me aside and told me I would never tell anyone that Jesus was not in the church. One wonderful older women later told me, I get it. It is like that, Jesus is never we expect him to be, he is always surprising us. Anyway, I preached on that text again on Sunday. I did not read your post til this morning. I got saved again. Thanks. It has been a week of spreading ashes here with some folks, standing in the dust together, hugging each other through losses. This year I added the story of Jesus making breakfast on the beach. He seems to be at his best sharing bread and fish, bread and wine, forgiveness and love. Keep writing. Along the way, NN

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We all need to find our shining stay @Diana

Sometimes we forget and lose touch. But all that matters is getting right back.

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Apr 2Liked by Diana Butler Bass

I don’t normally comment here. But, this was such a comfort. Thank you.

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Wonderful story. Thank you for telling it.

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This really meant so much to me! As a very practical person, Mark makes the most sense. I would certainly have fled and not told anyone. My father told me that he and his mother had experienced their husband/father after he died. My father promised my mother that if he died first he would somehow contact her. My mother saw him several times. I have never felt like I was very “spiritual “, but I would like to be. Thanks for sharing your very personal story.

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Thank you, your sharing has made a difference.

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Absolutely luminous. Thank you. Christ is risen indeed!

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You’re beautiful, Diana.

Thank you for your revelation.

Paul McGaffey

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The gospel or the good news was strangled at birth the moment Jesus (a very powerful mystic of his time) was pedestalized as the only son of a long white bearded heavenly father up in the sky. Born of a virgin woman, died and resurrected, walked on water etc. This pedestalization and worship of the great mystic jesus by the early Church made it impossible to follow in his footsteps. Do you not know that your body is the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you. The kingdom of God is within us and we are God because we're made in the image of God, and yet we hold this imaginary of a separate heavenly father up in the sky. The good news was that we too are the sons of God just like Jesus christ realised, made in his image. May we turn inwards and awaken to this realisation of being One with the father within that jesus wanted us to realise.

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This blessed me so much - as a broken believer - as a writer. Thank you, dearly, for sharing your heart and your gift of expression. May He continue to create this depth of reflection, rebirth, and renewal within us all. 💫

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Thank you, this is beautiful. I remember those days of protecting children from funerals and burials. My grandfather too was buried with his family in attendance but none of the grands. I was a little mad but didn't say anything. We begin again every Easter, Every Day for some and I have a dear friend who tells me that the Kingdom is Here and Not Yet so in the Mystery of Divine Love, we continue. I do love Easter.

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Beautiful. We can't take mystery literally, we have to let it speak to us. That's why the fundamentalist nationalists cannot win.

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Thank you Diane for your thoughts and stories. Reading this on Easter Monday sitting at my desk hearing and seeing a cardinal (bird) brings new life into my life.

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