Thank you for sharing yet another of Madeleine L'Engle's poems along with Christopher Grundy's song, "Take Us Home by Another Way". I deeply appreciate your perspectives, wisdom and encouragement shared via The Cottage.

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Thanks so much for helping us be the light. As a student of Stoic philosophy I know that circumstances are what they are not good or bad. It is up to us, our consciousness, to make them good or bad. With God all is posible (I think Luke 1:37) so let's keep united.

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We that believe John's Revelation is history and not prophecy of a future Wrathful GOD Armageddon need to take a deep breath and shine a bright light in the darkness that belief in end times creates.

Fundementalism in all monotheistic religions has been pushing Armageddon since the age of enlightenment and science-based thinking. Armageddon is their way of keeping their fear tactics and judgement based beliefs relevant to their followers.

Fundementalism in Christianity, Islam, and Jewish faiths is a cancer that makes it feel like 2023 is a bad year.

Look at it as dark beliefs coming to a head and the forces of light once again prevailing.

Just as it was dark in 1BC, 30AD, 70AD, 600AD, 800AD AND ever since there is still the living TRUTH who came as a Stealth-Baby Messiah and that is what we arbitrarily are celebrating this month. (December 25th being a human chosen birthday.)

ReJoice. Shine Bright. Be Happy.

Because we know these doom and gloom religions are wrong.

I know that my Redeemer Lives!

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Thank you so much for sharing Madeleine L’Engle’s beautiful poem. I have always loved her work. Now I do even more.

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Unfortunately, civilization has seen trying times like these before.

". . .surprising faith, realistic and informed hope, and generous love" are indeed the gifts that will sustain us until the current turmoil subsides. Hopefully they'll also transport us to a better place where we're less likely to see it all repeated.

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Thank you so much, Diana. If you want to treat yourself to a gift in return after all your Advent writings is done you might consider our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS CONTEMPLATIONS for dancing monks and weary pilgrims🎄.

Blessings for your work and warm greetings from MN.

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Donald Tusk is indeed going to be in charge for a while in Poland, and he loves and values the EU. POLAND, which seemed to have lost her way even before Viktor Orban in Hungary got going.

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