Jul 11Liked by Diana Butler Bass

Purely blessed, that's my feeling after listening to this interview. I have been deeply moved. I asked my husband to listen and we have not stop talking about it. We're deeply moved by the efforts and dedication of the work Tim and his team have done. What he says is truth be told. and we all need to hear it. We've already addressed our awareness as to how we think and talk about our neighbors and family members.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I cannot thank you enough for giving us this guideline and enthusiasm to beging to change our ways and spread the word!!!!

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I love it, too.

Tim's a truly good human -- and I'm grateful that he shared his passion for this with me and with all of you! It has made a genuine difference in my life.

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Thank you for sharing this interview, Diana! I’m inspired to study the index and try to put it into practice in my own communications.

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I love this! Can’t wait to see the movie! And, as a mom of a daughter with disabilities, we used to love Special Olympics when my daughter competed in equestrian events. But since moving we haven’t found these events in any other state. I look forward to hearing about dignity - something sorely lacking for those of us who live in the disability community.

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Hi, Diana and Richard! I am interersted in obtaining the Dignity Index cards. As I heard from Tim Shriver, he recommended that I reach out to The Cottage to do so. I'm reaching out! I'd appreciate your guidance as to how I may purchase a bunch of Dignity Index Cards. Last, but not at all least: Thank you so very much for the provocative and helpful conversation, between Diana and Tim Shriver!!! I'm deeply grateful! Ileana Lindstrom

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Tim Shriver and the Dignity Index segment were as promised — very relevant and challenging! I’ve started looking at and being more careful and intentional about what I post and re-post online. But it is hard not to get caught up in the hype especially when the perspective is one I agree with. Thank you for sharing this with everyone!

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This was so interesting! I want to learn more about the Dignity Index now and share it with all my friends. Tim Shriver is such an engaging speaker too. Thank you , Diana, for bringing this new information to us. This has made me realize that sometimes I have been guilty of self-righteousness, and I'm not happy about that. So my consciousness has been raised!

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I was not able to be on the Zoom but have just watched the recording. Excellent! I have mentioned the work of Braver Angels in your “comments” before and I would like to bring it up again. Braver Angels is a national organization that offers a platform for Reds and Blues (and Purples) to come together in structured conversations to discuss topics of national interest. It has a vigorous presence online but also sponsors local groups meeting across the country. It calls us to listen and question with respect to “the other”. My group in Colorado works hard to support the dignity of every human being. Let’s me emphasize “work hard” because it is not easy sometime.

I will be sharing the Dignity Index at our next meeting.

Thank you for this space to learn and share.

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Thank you for this very helpful

Advice regarding treating each other with dignity and respect. I am grateful and am sharing it with my friends as we have been talking about this for some time.

I love the 5th grader’s response. It really hits the heart of the message.

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I am so happy for this to be shared! I applaud your decision to open this up for all, as it it just that important! It’s a great tool in bringing light where there is darkness.

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Excellent Interview, thought provoking, well worth sharing and taking to heart... The Cottage keeps challenging and inspiring.... thank you!

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Thank you. The kind of speakers and conversations The Cottage offers gives me some light in the darkness of this time in our country. Keep it up!

Blessings, Ann Hoch

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I enjoyed hearing Tim talk on dignity and its importance and could watch it again. I think it's definitely worthy of a second listen.

Very excited about the movie!

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A timely, needed voice in these challenging times. A voice for the future.

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Just finished watching the video and the thought that comes to me is the difference between the inherent dignity of each person as an individual creation and potential vessel for the Holy Spirit as opposed to that person's behavior, as an individual, in their speech, actions, reactions, violence or non-violence based on their understandings, experiences and their modeling from others around them.

Learning to change our individual behavior is one of Jesus's central messages in trying to teach us how to be better human beings. The Sermon on the Mount is a prime example.

Hopefully more and more individuals will want to learn how to be a better person and take an active interest in trying to learn how to do this. Perhaps then, our individual conscience will play a more major role in helping us change our behaviors for the betterment of humanity. Our egos are probably our biggest nemisis.

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Really interesting thought about "inherent dignity."

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Dignity is SO needed!

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I loved this interview with Tim Shriver and it made me feel better about the Mrs. Alito article. When I read it I got the uh-oh feeling, and wondered if The Cottage was where I needed to gain wisdom in my role as pastor. Watching Diana’s humility and willingness to admit her need for growth was a wonderful modeling of how we ALL need to grow in order to be both followers of Christ AND have any hope of solving problems. I looked at the Dignity Index afterwards however and thought that 8 which is the highest level seemed easier than 7 which wants to fully engage with the other side, discussing even values we don’t share. Seeing ourselves in every human, refusing to hate and offering dignity to everyone (8) seems easier than actually engaging with others who see things so differently. (7) Thanks for this interview! I’m planning to use the wisdom gained in a future sermon!

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Hi Judy. Thank you for your comments. I really do agree. 8 does sound like the foundation of 7, being able to fully engage with others. Neither are “easy “. Both take hard work and effort to have listening ears and an open heart. But. It’s worth the effort. Thank you for your great heart and active listening ears: Ears to hear, to quote the Lord Jesus. GeeGee Erickson ❤️

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