This piece of writing is extraordinarily helpful; thank you, Diana! Toads and mountains, indeed! Puts things in perspective, for sure.

But with regard to your comments about democracy, I am reminded of this quote from the fine movie, "Chariots of Fire:" Reverend. J.D. Liddell: "Sandy, the kingdom of God is not a democracy. The Lord never seeks reelection. There's no discussion, no deliberation, no referanda as to which road to take. There's one right, one wrong. One absolute ruler."

This is not, I believe, totally accurate, because we do engage with God in dialogue. Holy Scripture contains passages attesting to when good people indeed contended with God -- for just one example, the Canaanite Woman saying to Jesus, "Even the dogs eat the scraps which fall from the master's table" (Matthew 15).

But more than one thing can be true at the same time. The quote from Chariots of Fire does offer some wisdom, some perspective. Democracy itself is not what we properly make to be of ultimate value, ultimate importance -- aguably, to do so may be a form of idolatry (by the classic definition of idolatry). God, the rule of God that Diana properly cites, is of the ultimate importance.

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Diana, your words and meditative thoughts (confession also about your cell phone) take me back to similar silent retreats and a private/solo retreat I experienced in Sedona seven years ago. Questions, some answers bubbling up within my soul, my mind, wonderings slowly whispered to me. Life is a combination of long views and brevity. It all belongs, both/and. Thank you for reminding me to listen.

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You picked a great week to be away from social media, I thought the sky was falling for some :)

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One of your best. Thank you.

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Oh Diana , The desert and mountains do remind us/me of slow change . I loved my time this time of year when the dry West Texas land began to bloom and as we drove to our favorite place especially after a rain we could roll down our windows and smell the sweet smell of the creosote bushes. Walking the desert on the US side of the Rio Grande seeing the "'century plant bloom after it has been watered and had looked dead, and other plants and signs of life. Across the Rio Grande the Southern Sierra Madres rose to greet us. The river was a great place to safely raft and see the land as a whole the river runs through. Slow Change is a reminder for all of us and something we can share with our families and our friends. The church where I went in Indianapolis Associate Pastor is going on a much earned Sabbatical. He is also a Trained Chef. Theme for him and the congregation. Slow Food. like you he won't be on site for at least the next two months in the mean time the congregation will be doing their own complimentary study. The idea being they will both be "slowing" down to look at things and of course eat!!! They are also , during this time welcoming an interim Pastor as they seek a new Pastor as there beloved pastor of 22 years retired in May. Reminds us all change and the writings of yours and the pray of Teilhard de Chardin: Starting with "Above all, trust in the slow work of God....is helpful in facing and being in the chaos we live in.

On 6/29 by a guest essayist ,entitled Democrats: Stop Panicking As a very concerned long term independent, , loving my country, and our form of Democracy Messy as it is I found it helpful. Just a thought instead of say what a suck up job the Thursday presentation I plan to suck it up and fight with love and words and actions in/from Macon GA. Prayer yes, but as a Lutheran would say we are God's Hands. Love and good night.

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Thank you for being in the right place to share your comforting, wisdom-filled , re-orienting perspective! Yes



Living in and within instability

Grace filled mystery

Leaving and living out our part

It is a gift living in the same timeframe as you to soak in your “longview” and wisdom.

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This is what I needed today

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I don't often comment but I had to say Thank You! I needed this bit of Godly wisdom....

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I loved this, Diana. I look from my cabin over the Appalachian Mountains, over a billion years old and slowly sliding away down creeks and rivers to the ocean. And like your toad, we have all of us wispy - here today gone tomorrow - types depending upon these ancient rocks (without our well we wouldn’t be here).

The debate was exhausting and frustrating to watch. None of us, certainly not me, get easier going as we get older. I decided a long time ago that I would neither pray for political races nor football games. I do however pray for those individuals who participate and the people who follow them around with clipboards. My theology makes me feel as though those activities are too frivolous. But people, regardless of their activities, are always worthy of being lifted up in prayer. So I did pray for healing for both of them and for rational thought.

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Thank you.

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This is wonderful, Diana. It inspires me to give a brief meditation before a commission meeting in the future. We are struggling in this liminal time of the church and every aspect of our communal lives, it seems. Thank you.

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Great post. I am so horrified with the reactionary takes I'm seeing everywhere - all hope is lost, we're all going to die, America is over... If that is how everyone reacts and then gives up, yes, all hope is lost. We are all going to die - someday - but I don't plan on living like I've already died tomorrow and ad infinitum. And if I were that reactionary at work I would have been out of a job and a mortgage payment long ago. What is with people? No hope because of not enough contact with ethical and moral teachings any longer?

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Beautiful message . Thank you. Aside from the obvious problems of the debate, I noticed that both candidates are so steeped in the I I I Mr me me mentality. We need a leader but we need an administration of capable folks; we need civil servants and their experience and expertise and we need us! Time for a new paradigm . One individual can only get us so far…as you always mention—community!

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Thank you for your words of wisdom

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The USA has had a pretty good run at trying to be a democracy. We can celebrate that, whatever the future will bring. We can keep the faith, and look toward higher things.

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Your voice from the wilderness has streamed hope and wisdom. Just reading these comments is an evening prayer.

Thank you

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