Dear Diana, regarding your teaching today on Freeing Jesus with Tripp Fuller, I was ‘saved’ as part of the Jesus Movement in Jan. of 1972. I have an extra copy of a book called Out of the Desert by Bill Stackpole. The book documents activities of the Jesus movement in Southern California and beyond. I have an extra copy that I would love to share with you. How can I get it to you?

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My daughter decided to get a Masters in Human Geography at Univ Toronto!

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The inequities of housing in our world crush my heart. Yet the other side of that overwhelming sadness is the realization that as a retired social worker I have experienced the presence of Love, powerful, faithful and healing - in spite of any inequities.

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I look at my home, through your eyes, grateful, yet somewhat guilty at the privilege of living surrounded by beauty, water and caring neighbours. This aught to be a right for all. And then I read of the global suffering of homelessness and prejudice and weep. May humanity have the courage to change. Evolve in loving ways.

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I love the verse- In my Father’s house, there are many rooms, if it were not so I would have told you. Often the universe appears like a series of nesting dolls all held together by love one aspect inside another down to the smallest particle. We truly are held even in our most difficult and challenging times that seem impossible to bear because of emotional turmoil and suffering. May we continue to learn how to rest in the embrace of comfort we are given.

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Yes, open our eyes to the sacred of the ordinary. Amen!

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I’m reminded of Kathleen Norris’ book of several years ago in which she described the Upper Great Plains of the Midwest as “a vast monastery,” due to its sparse population, offering a ready environment for solitude. I found this an affirmation of my native affinity for the mystic path. Your invitation to discover the spiritual geography of mercy and compassion resonated deeply with my journey.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Diana Butler Bass

The poem from the 1500's led me to look again at my dwelling and see it with renewed eyes. Thank you!

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