It’s not easy to write about an experience beyond the power of words to convey but this poem did that.

Arthur Pitz

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Thank you. The photo and poem left me breathless.

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That's an incredible photo, Diana.

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Very, very personal, you reveal yourself to your readers. I could not do that. I share my innermost only with my closest friends. Your thoughts and feelings are interesting and relatable.

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That's the job - what we writers do! :)

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What an incredible picture paired with the wonderful poem. Thank you for a lovely start to my day. Glad you're getting some time off in NC. The outer banks are so beautiful.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

I first learned that creation enactment from a man named Mark Charles. As a Navajo man, an author and political activist, much has been said. This link helps with that https://wirelesshogan.com/

Now living in Washington D.C. , Mark often spends his morning on the banks of the Potomac River waiting for the sun to rise. Sometime over the last 5 years, his FB videos of those moments, one mentioned that creation continues every day. There is a sunrise and sunset every second of every day (my take on that. ). We just aren't there to experience each one. Our western existence is so steeped in linear time, that we've missed the true circular nature of our entire existence. We dismiss the phrases "Indian time" or "Native time" as just a synonym for being late, but they are not that in any way shape or form. We live and breathe on schedules, vs. the completion of tasks. "A Postcolonial Tale" isn't just postcolonial. It is also precolonial.

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Can’t wait to hear more about your inner growth.

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A breath-taking and heart-touching post from you, Diana. I sensed a blending of Creation's awesome beauty with John Lennon's "Imagine" drifting in gentle breezes. Thank you for this experience.

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"Every day is a reenactment of the creation story." On a slightly less dramatic scale, when I remember, I try to observe an idea someone planted for me a few years back. They said every day, as we awaken, we slowly reconstruct our ego and our worldview. It starts out very basic, just noticing the light of day, but then we notice sounds, remember an appointment we have, or a task we have to complete. Then our executive brain begins to fire up...and so on. Try it. It helps us to remember our earlier, more simple selves.

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Obviously the Lord has blessed your Sabbatical and I am positive in turn you will continue to bless us. Enjoy your little time left for renewal. Thank you

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Diana, I have noticed the subtle shift in you through your writings and presence in Cottage online gatherings. I too took a six months renewal time and I went from existing by holding on by my finger tips to a deep calm greening groundedness. I sense something similar in you. I sense the lift of accumulated fatigue. I sense the connectedness to creation and the breath that gives. I sense that you recognize your own belovedness more deeply. As you enter back into a fuller schedule, what practices, rituals, and reminders have you chosen as your companions so that you will not sink back but continue to rise and be lifted?

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Diana, your experience on the beach at dawn, coupled with Joy Harjo's poem, beautifully illustrates the power of nature to reawaken our sense of wonder and interconnectedness. As you say, every day is a reenactment of the creation story. It reminds me of how easily we can get caught up in the mundane and forget the magic that surrounds us.

I love how you've woven together the threads of personal reflection, poetry, and the natural world to create a tapestry of meaning.

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"The children were in school learning subtraction with guns."

I can hear Joy's voice reading this.

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So good. Thanks so much for sharing!

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Beautiful photo Thanks and the poetry is very on point!Looking forward to your new ish perspective s🙏🏻💕

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