My father was dying, but he wanted to com with us - his wife (my mother), my husband, our little daughter and me - to buy a heater to stand in our fireplace. As we were approaching that place toether, a double rainbow appeared in the sky... It filled me with a sense of blessing.... He was sceptical about my interpretation, but I have never lost that sense of a blessing in the rainbow.

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I needed the rainbow too, thank you!

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Thank you. You describe one of my favorite journeys since early childhood. Have a peace-filled, wonder-filled stay.

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Thank you so much for this creation in words and picture, Diana. A rainbow’s end touched down in the bay in front of our home this Summer, I walk my dog through a forest almost every morning, and I have read Anne Lamott’s book Almost Everything, Notes on Hope. I feel unbelievably blessed. Peace & Love

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