Hi friends.
Here’s a video meditation for your Thursday — on Psalm 146. This is your spiritual pep talk for today!
If you are a struggling preacher or just struggling, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to listen. It isn’t long. I strongly recommend that churches read Psalm 146 in worship this weekend. Once you listen, you’ll understand why.
You can share this with your friends, book groups, or Sunday schools classes. Spread some good words in these hard days. Please — pass on encouragement!
I haven’t used this video format before. You should be able to generate a transcript and/or read with closed captioning from your end.
At the beginning of the reflection, I mention two upcoming online conversations — Ruining Dinner next Tuesday (I’ll send links out next week to paid subscribers) and a pop-up conversation on The Convocation with Jemar, Robby, Kristin and me at 5PM TODAY.
The Convocation Unscripted is always free and open to everyone BUT you have to register HERE for this live taping. Seats are limited. Sorry to get this out with such short notice. (The Convocation conversation will be available online tomorrow if you can’t come live today — you can access it then at The Convocation.)
Be at peace — and let’s prepare ourselves for the work ahead,
When the noise of campaigns is stilled,
when the signs have all been taken down,
when the politicians and the poll workers have gone home,
when the voters are back at their jobs,
the work of democracy begins:
To find the lost,
to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the people,
to make music in the heart.
— “The Work of Democracy Begins,” based on Howard Thurman’s “The Work of Christmas,” as suggested and inspired by a Cottage reader and tweaked by me!
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