Thank you for this thoughtful writing and videos! It leaves me with hope 🫶🏼❤️

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While praying with Praise and Thanksgiving for answers which I know I may not get the answers I hope for, I am ending all prayers with Deliver us from Evil until and possibly after the Election, living in the mystery of our lives on earth.

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A healthy dose of “just what I needed this morning”!

Thank you!!


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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Love, LOVE that song! And that it opens with the word "Spirit". And I am encouraged by your reminder of Jesus' words in Matthew:24 of "birth pangs". Readings those words brought me back to 2020 and not just COVID, but the wildfires in Oregon. During those fires, the words in my devotions that jumped off the page me were "A fire goes before him..." Psalm 97:3 And in my spirit I realized that this simply is just going to happen. Admittedly, Jesus didn't mention fires, but now I put those in the category of "birth pangs" and am reminded of your words of encouragement finished by "Take Us Home By Another Way". Helping you "pave the way with justice", Diana.

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Articles like this make me wish I could afford the paid version.

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Thank you. Thank you.

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Thank you,

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for Flooding the Zone With Goodness. What an even greater blessing it would be if 20 million Americans read this and heeded it. Thank you, Diana

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Well, earlier today, I told myself that I would not listen to any more news until the election... I would put my head in the sand, then vote, period. What timing.... 🫤

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Thank you from the bottom of my wind weary heart(I live in Florida) for all your work, your words of encouragement and just showing up Diana. You really make a difference, I'm so grateful.

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I was going to drop a note to you, but your reference to Matthew 24 prompted me to share this here.

As I read them, these times are confusing enough that many are seeking security in the face of a disintegrating culture. A normal response. Among those seeking security are those who would have us hang on to the certainty that pervaded our Modern cultures at their birth several hundred years ago -- an epistemological certainty rooted on a sense of unchanging universal reality, the truth of which is untouched by either time or consciousness. Some of the folks who are now in danger of being bewildered have made a feature film called "How Did We Get Here." It proports to explain why we are in the mess of complex living messes we now find ourselves in. A free 28 min. version is on YouTube. Worth watching. Pay attention, including to the patterns of attention that you bring to the film. They may cost you or save you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVQ6-m5iy_o&t=877s

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Thank you Diana, and your words apply to those of us elsewhere in the world. Yesterday news came that China had test fired an intercontinental ballistic missile into the South Pacific. This is uncomfortably close to home. I am reminded of a slogan we used during French nuclear testing..it it's safe test it in Paris...I would add Beijing. Thinking of those in Hurt3icane Helene's path. Be safe.

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Thank you, Diana. I really needed to hear this message today.

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I'm not exactly on topic, but I do fee inspired (as usual by your writing!): Your "an Advent that leads to present opening and a baby in a manger" led me to think ahead to the Birth of Jesus, that moment when the present opened and handed us eternity.

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Many thanks for these thoughts. I have a thought of my own.

I listened to the catchy tune “Home By Another Way,” which was referenced in the same post. Unfortunately, the song suggests that, if they inquire where to find Baby Jesus, the Proud Boys and the Klan are to be cleverly misdirected.

Do we want to do that? Or do we desire that meeting our God just might have the same impact on them that we hope He has on each of us.

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This is something I really needed to read. NOW. Thank you, Diana.

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