
The first window in our Advent of Justice and Joy calendar is from singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer. It’s a perfect start.

The song, “A Light in the Window,” is from her album, A Permeable Life.” I loved the line, “Now the old has already passed away, but the new is too new to be born today.” That’s Advent for you.

Carrie has an excellent Substack publication, A Gathering of Spirits. Her website is www.carrienewcomer.com.

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This is the only Advent window that will be sent to the entire Cottage community. Beginning tomorrow, the daily Advent posts will be sent only to paid subscribers at the Cottage. In addition to the daily Advent calendar, the Cottage is hosting an online DYI Advent retreat this week with John Philip Newell, Jemar Tisby, and Noel Paul Stookey.

We’re offering a 10% discount to new paid subscribers — it is only available by clicking the button below.

Advent of Justice & Joy Special

If you’d like to be part of the Advent series and can’t afford a paid subscription, just drop us a note. We’ve never refused a complimentary subscription to anyone with a legitimate need. The Cottage email is: the.cottage.email@gmail.com


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